Honestly I was pretty let down by this game. The first is one of my favorites of all time, and this one just didn't live up.
The combat is fun, but it got old after a while.
My main issues are with the story. The plot here is pretty solid, but the characters are the issue. They just aren't well developed; the first game did a great job of developing it's characters, which is what made that story work. The success of this game's story relies on your attachment to the characters, but I feel like they fail miserably. Rindo is very under-developed and uninteresting, while Fret and Nagi are just jock and otaku stereotypes. The only characters I liked were the returning ones, but that was only because the first game succeeded in developing it's characters.
Other than that, while this game has a great artstyle, I wish a little extra work was done to the graphics. The character models are kind of low-res.
On a more positive note, the soundtrack is great, just like the first game. This time around the OST has a heavier and more imrpovised style, which I think is interesting.

This game was a ton of fun during the pandemic. Since then I feel they've over-complicated it though.

Thought this game was just okay on my first time through, but on my second time I really came to appreciate it.
This game is amazing.
I feel like every aspect of it comes together to form something truly special.

Was kind of getting out of my childhood Skylanders phase when this game came out, but it's still decent. Of the four I've played I'm gonna have to say it's my least favorite.

I think case 1 is a perfect re-introduction to the world of Ace Attorney and is a lot of fun in top of that. Case 2 is okay but I'm not crazy about it. A little forgettable in my opinion. I don't think Case 3 is as bad as people say, other than the pedophilia part (I know 16 is legal in some places but it's still weird). Case 4 is easily one of the best in the series, though, I loved every minute of it.

Overall I have the same opinion on the game as I do the first, however it does have my favorite OST of the original trilogy.

This review contains spoilers

While I do really like this game, I can't help but feel like it was rushed.
The story feels incomplete. The first half feels well paced IMO. But it felt like symbiote Peter just suddenly became evil during the lizard hunt with Miles. I feel like he needed more screentime. I think Venom also needed more time.
It also makes no sense why Miles would make a new suit during THE APOCALYPSE, unless something got cut from the final draft where Miles had to make a new one. On top of that, they also didn't add the ability to change the time of day in the post-game.
There are some bugs in this game, but they only show up if you've had the game open for a while, so you can just reset it and you'll be good. That being said, I have a deep appreciation for Spider-Cube and hope to see him in Beyond the Spider-Verse.
I also miss the different web types from the first two games, those were a lot of fun to use. The new gadgets and special moves are neat, but they get old quick.
Also, I know it's minor, but I think it's dumb that Peter can't do the Wakanda salute and the Wakandan Embassy while Miles can.
With all the negatives out of the way, this is still a very great game.
Swinging is amazing, big improvement over the first game.
New York is expanded, and better than ever.
Amazing performances from each and every one of the cast members.
A big improvement in the side content from the first two games.
A great score.
And overall just an amazing experience I'd highly recommend.

Honestly not too bad, but not too great either.

For years, I avoided this game like the plague, until I tried it in 2023 when Invincible skins were added and my friends were playing the OG season.
I have to say it's a pretty fun battle royale game. By yourself it's just alright, but it's a lot of fun with your friends. It's simple fun, but there's also a level of depth.
Honestly I think Epic does a really good job with their live service model. They're constantly adding/changing things to keep things fresh.
As for the micro-transactions, I think the price of v-bucks is absolutely absurd. To be fair, you're technically also paying for a free game that's constantly getting updates and support, but still.
I also don't really care for the battle pass system. I might get some shit for this take, but I actually preferred how Overwatch handled its cosmetics with toolboxes.

One of my main games I'd play as a kid. Loved exploring every nook and cranny. Good times. Looking back, it definitely has flaws though.

Remember playing this game with my dad on the Wii as a kid. Good times...

One of my childhood games. Ton of fun, and I love revisiting it.