Aw yeah this game rocks, anyone who's a big Metroid fan needs to play this

To come out of this game loving it as much as I did for how much tedious shit I had to go through is honestly impressive

pretty good core gameplay and some interesting ideas but also some bullshit jank and some really annoying male-gazey characters

it's fine but I kinda tapped out to the story almost instantly

one of the few games I like more for the story than the gameplay

So incredibly frustrating at times but when it's not it's absolutely amazing

Neat game but very rough around the edges, something that could actually use a remaster to fix certain issues with movement, combat, and all the weird issues the Steam version has.

Up there with the better AC games I've played but man this is still so frustratingly unsatisfying a lot of the time. Either way I'm gonna start AC6 now and will never want to return to these games ever again

This is what it's like to live in Pennsylvania

For being directed by the guy who made Bloodborne, this is one of the easiest games I've ever played lmao