I enjoyed it, it was a lot more pulpy and light hearted than I thought it was gonna be, thought it was a lot more serious horror. But i did enjoy it

I enjoyed the game alot, it managed to pull off most of the genres it toyed with enough that nothing ever felt like a drag. Some bits were better than others but for the most part it's just nice to play a game solely designed for coop like this.

The story is fine, until the very end of the final level it didn't really feel like the game was about to end, and it shocked me a bit when it did. I really thought they'd be one more.

Obra Dinn has an incredible atmosphere, the way it looks, the way you unravel it's mysteries and the music that accompanies you. It forces you to make assumptions, guess and look at every little clue and detail to figure out the fates of the 60 people aboard the Obra Dinn.

Highly recommend

A cute little experience with some really good notes of alternative storytelling, satisfying to play and doesn't over stay it's welcome

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RE2 fosters a great atmosphere, incredibly spooky sections interesting puzzles and true moments of desperation and fear, however boss fights just feel really janky to me and completely detract from that experience

The perfect blend of just enough to do to keep it engaging but not too much. Great game to play whilst watching other things, felt really good to play and really enjoyed the art style

Genre defining game, the best arpg I've ever played, incredible depth great 2 monitor game. Clearing screen upon screen of enemies is incredibly satifying

Really fricking enjoyed this, not being into football as much as I used to didn't really matter watching my boys grow was great. In depth enough for some real analysis but easy enough to pick up .

Maybe I didn't give it enough time, but it just felt so fucking bland, combat was the best part and even then I just wanted to be playing Doom instead, dialogue was laughably bad.

Perhaps if you look past the incredibly dry opening sequence, perhaps if you can look past some of the worst dialogue of any game I've ever played, perhaps if you enjoy standard third person shooter mechanics with the ability to stun enemies or whatever every now and again, maybe then you can enjoy the mediocre stealth game that lies in there somewhere but for me it was just boring and dry

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I played this game over the course of just over a year. Whenever I came back to it I always had a great time, the first few chapters show the propserity and hope that the group has, depsite Dutch's promises of only one more heist and then its over, when the heist goes wrong it doesn't really matter as most people are quite happy with the situation as is. Over the course of the game the hope that was with the group at the starts to fracture, heist after heist goes wrong, Dutch's secret plan never seems to culminate in anything of worth. This is all fine until the heist in Saint Denis, during which several members of the group are killed and the rest are stranded. This in my opinion is where the game truly takes off in terms of quality, although necessary the chapters up until this point never really had too much development or change, despite the setting changing the formula (set up a camp, do small tasks until a big heist, then the heist goes wrong and they have to move) was getting old. It's at this point that people start to truly question Dutch, why he never tells people the plan. The feeling of disdain for each other, the mistrust of a possible rat. That atmosphere of the camp completely changes. No longer are the quests about the camp working together for the better of everyone. They are bitter and desperate trials quite often in contradiciton to another members ideology or more commonly Dutch's plan. The fracturing of the group and the character development held there in is rivalled by very few in any medium when it comes to the pure emotion conveyed, and it truly launched the game from being a really good open world shooter, to an incredible must watch story. Everything about the quests leading up to the ending and the ending itself feel perfect and I really fucking enjoyed playing it. The epilogue does an incredible job of both wrapping up the stories that were left in the wind in Arthur's bit as well as bridging the narrative gap between where John Marston is at the end of red dead 2 and where he is at the start of 1. Overall, the game feels great to play, even if the reloading of different guns is strange at times. That atmosphere is incredible and it sits as one of, if not THE, best looking game I've ever played. Very good Shit.

I had a blast playing this game, not only because of the game itself but because of participating in community events. I really want to try to get into competitive pokemon but its a bit of grind to get the money to be able to.