One of the best games I ever played.
Must play for Jrpg or action game fans.

Some of the bosses were really bad but overall it's a good game

Everyone should play this

Really cool story.
Although the pacing is a bit slow in part 3.
The endboss was pretty random but still a really good game and a big improvement to 4 😺👍

Pretty short game (1h) but with an interesting story.
I really like the Artstyle😺👍

After beating this DLC I really don't know how to feel.
On one side characters like Tails and amy were really fun and the story was interesting. But on the other side there are these weird decisions like all of the Trials.
The difficulty spike at the King trial is insane. I struggled with this trial even on easy mode. Also these Towers were way to hard it wasn't fun to fall all the way down just to climb all the way up again.
In the end Sonic Frontiers is definitely still pretty fun and for a free DLC I got a pretty good amount of enjoyment out of it.
If you enjoyed the base game you should definitely at least try this one out.

Definitely a really fun platformer with creative level design. The newly added Bowser Fury side mode is while short also a lot of fun and it would be interesting to see some ideas of this mode more fleshed out in a new 3D Mario game 🐱

The game has its flaws but can also be extremely fun.

The best pokemon game.
One of the coolest regions and a beautiful ost.
A must play for Pokemon fans!