This game really has its own identity that no other Yoshi or Mario game has ever come close to touching. Controlling Yoshi is very fluid, but the level design gets really dickish towards the back half of the game. I think this game would have really benefited from the exploration that Mario World had considering its far more open and expansive level design

Going from Land to Land 2 is like jumping from Mario 1 straight to Mario World without any games in between. Which is amazing because they're on the same console. The world and level design is brimming with creativity, it might just have the most original themes in the entire series. However the last level fucking suuuucks. It's as hard as Champion's Road except when you game over you have to BEAT EVERY BOSS IN THE GAME AGAIN. Also in the Virtual Console version A is jump and B is run, and you can't change it >:(

It's impressive that this game exists I guess. Music is surprisingly iconic but this game does not control well enough to demand you to jump so often on one-block wide platforms. Level design is pretty good when it's not just copy and pasted. Uhh the final boss is a shoot 'em up for some reason, why is the Starman theme the Can Can?

This was the only classic Mario I never played cuz it wasn't in the All-Stars pack, but... WOW

Levels are awesome
Cape is so cool
So many secret exits to find
It's probably the best of the bunch

This game is the true birth of the Mario formula - in which a level introduces an idea, builds upon it, blends it with other ideas, then tests your expertise. World 7-6 is peak Classic Mario.

Mario 1 may have been more groundbreaking and Mario World may have taken the formula and ran with it, but this game was a vitally important stepping stone and I respect it immensely, 2/10 because the controls are kinda floaty >:(

There are brief, VERY brief moments where this game puts up an actually fair and exhilarating challenge. For the most part it's just a case study in antagonistic game design, aka How to Piss People Off For No Good Reason

I've always defended this game, but it's mid. Sorry

I think it's got the tightest controls of the original trilogy but the level design is overall just forgettable.

This game is so so tightly designed. Think about this, you can shoot two fireballs on screen at the same time. So they put three Goombas in a row. It's genius

It's as good as Diamond and Pearl, but no better. Which means it's a terrible remake

The most biased 5/10 of all time. Great protagonist, love David, but terrible story, and they absolutely butchered Kenny and Jane