182 Reviews liked by HAINE

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this metroid really makes you FEEL like you're on the alien planet. also you can play the game out of order simply by getting creative

"I am not afraid of tomorrow; I have seen yesterday and I love today."

Jogo do Carlinhos.
"Mamãe sou Edgy."
Gameplay é horrível e pro meu gosto o jogo é tosco, exagerado e esquecível, lembra o desenho Mr.Pickles só que menos estranho. Fui desafiado a zerar, literalmente.
Leva entre 4 e 8 horas pra zerar.

On release this was definitly a dissapointing conclusing. The critique was mostly justified, but with the benifit of heinsight: Man this gameplay slaps so hard. If they didnt force those weird Batmobil puzzle sections on you, this would be the ultimate Batman game and a easy 5/5 Stars.

Crazy how one shit game can overshadow a great one. I have no doubt Avengers killed any hype for Guardians of the Galaxy. Its genuily amazing how story, gameplay and narrativ choices come together. Its the best adaptation the Guardians to date, including the movies.

I can not say in good conscience the gameplay is all that good. Its a definitiv improvment over Witcher 1 and 2, but still not great. What carrys Witcher 3 is its world that feels like there was so much love pourred into it. It also has two of the best DLCs of all time somehow, better than the main game.

Seoul and Bathhouse fucking suck, but the rest is pure perfection. Sam Fisher is on peak and the soundtrack by Amon Tobin is one the greatest OSTs that has ever graced my ears.

Its really bad. Its buggie and broken with humor so below the bar most people would be embarased to show this to any close friends but man does it satisfie my 13 year old edge lord brain. No nostalgia either, pickt it up for 1 dollar at a Steam sale and its everything your mother ever warned you about. Its fucking great, now sign this petition dammit!

I attempted to play this about 4 times. I guess this is a good game if you like looking through a yellow piss filter and enjoy first person gameplay that feels like moving a forklift through downtown LA. Adam Jensen has about as much personality as a forklift aswell.

Its the super polished, fan service filled Victory Lap finale to the Souls series. Its a good step up from DS2, while suffering from diminishing returns. I feel myself loving its art style while getting annyoid by its super linear gameworld. I adore some of the boss fights like the Abyss Watchers, only to return to a world to offers me nothing I havent seen done better by this very series. At the very atleast this feeling is kinda fitting for a world that presents itself a rotting corpse screaming that it wants to end.

I love this game. I have a thing for exploring ancient tombs and this gives me exacly what I want from that fantasy. Add to it the really sick movement options and Lara beeing a complete badass. I could have done with less of the repetditiv combat but considering I unlocked everthing by getting collectibales and perfecting the time trials, its a overall very minor issue. The time trials rock btw, as close as I have ever come having a blast speedrunning a game.

So many times have I tried to get into The Evil Within. I clawed my way through it on PS3 and I clawed my way through it on PC. This time I was determined to finish this for Halloween, I was confident that Ill do it. I hate this game. Its 15 mediocre Horror Games rolled into one. Theres so many instant kills. I think they want you to improvise and use your tools to fight the enemies in clever ways but there are so few combat rooms to do that. Most of the time you spend in long linear corridors your expected to sneak through with horrible stealth or you have a crash bandicoot style chase scene or you get to train your late stage arthritis with horrible quicktime events. Sure love mashing A to turn that wheel 50 times. I appreaciat how it wants to be unapologetic weird but actually playing it fucking sucks.

Its 2024 and Im still trying to finish GTA V. What is it with this Game ? The driving sucks, the shooting feels like ass and the characters all blow chunks. Franklin is just a boring version of CJ, Trevor is an unlikable homeless crackhead and Micheal is a winy fkn bitch. Do I really wann play as these guys for the next 30 hours ? The answer is clearly No. I really like GTA, I have finishd all the previous games but V just makes me question the absolute state of humanity. Im super pumped for VI and hopefully I will not be gaslight anymore into thinking this is in any shape or form a good game until then.

I am completly baffeld. This is what started the character action genre ? Its been a while since I playd a game that activly fights you having fun with every mechanic it has. My previous experience with the franchise was only DMC 3 aswell as the Reboot and I liked them quit a bit. So I thought I should play the other DMC games largely considerd "the good ones". Guess I was wrong, this sucked.