I found this game to be a slog while playing due to being an experimental experience far removed from the modern landscape of videogames where there is always a defined beggining and ending.
But after finishing it I thought for weeks about it; its imaginery; its nightmarish landscapes; its infinite interpretations perfectly justified due to the fact that dreams' meanings are never set in stone.
And then I realized, if I was in a fire, and I had to choose between Yume Nikki and the existence of like 90% of the AAA made in the last 15 years, I'd choose Yume Nikki.

Me now: MHGU is one of my favourite games, and probably my favourite monster hunter due to being probably the most mechanichally profound out of any other game in the series and having the biggest monster variety.

Me after a hellblade Glavenus evades the charge attack I was carefully preparing and blasts me to the other side of the map, carting me for the second time: Game sucks not my fault.


God I know they were trying to make us feel Yu and Kai's connection through gameplay but I wish the combat could be removed.

I can tolerate a mediocre story in an rpg if it's at least fun, but what I can't tolerate is a slow-ass combat and EIGHT mediocre stories.

Incredible game that I didn't appreciate properly the first time I played it, and I only have two nitpicks.

The first one is that it should have more non lethal options, as is you can barely use any weapon in your arsenal and your powers are also restricted quite a bit.

The second one is that the morality of dishonored is pretty fucked up, are you seriously telling me that selling a noble woman to a sex weirdo who will probably will rape her for the rest of her life is better than simply killing her? Sure buddy.

As a game it's pretty repetitive and suffers heavily from strategic dominance, but there is one thought that was always on my head while playing this as a kid that made Plague inc stay in my mind for years, and that while playing it after the coronavirus was even more present; diseases are terrifying.

Probably the only good 3d mainline pokemon game.

I'm very conflicted with this game.
It has a pretty good story with some very good moments, but it is dragged down by constant setbacks that feel like were there to get to the 20 hour mark.
The combat is enjoyable and the leviathan axe is probably the best weapon ever made for a videogame, but it is dragged down by a shitty camera that refuses to zoom away while fighting, forcing you to roll constantly to try to keep enemies on sight, and by making levels and equipment matter more than ability (putting loot and levels in a hack n' slash should be a crime with up to five years in prison). Also you have very little health on normal for an action game (compare it to something like DMC V or bayonetta) and the healing system fucking sucks.
As always, the AAA fixation with "more is better" ends up hurting everything it touches. All these problems would probably have been fixed if the developers didn't need to spend so much time in graphical fidelity or in worthless "content".

After playing the remakes of RE 1, 2 and 3, and the hd version of 4 I was still itching for some more resident evil, so I thought that if I went into 5 and 6 with the knowledge that they are trashy action games maybe I could have some fun. I have never been more wrong in my life, RE5 is so bad that I couldn't get past the first big combat arena.
It blows my mind that Resident Evil 5, a game that was supposedly made with action as its core, feels like a worse action title that RE4, a game that was still made with horror in mind.
But, I'll be lenient and admit that 5 has some redeeming qualities. It's so bad that it stopped me from playing it even a single second more, protecting my mind from further harm, and convinced me that a lobotomy would be better than playing RE6.

Trollhunter is a found-footage movie that despite not being specially good has a lot of charm to make up for that lack of quality.
I thought titan chaser, being obviously very inspired by that movie, would replicate some of that charm. And it does, but playing it is such a drag that the charm it has is not nearly enough to make me bother putting up with it.

It pains me to abandon this game after not even playing an hour because it has quite a bit of charm, but in a game where combat is one of the only two activities you can do, it needs to be, at the very least, palatable.

-Hey I have a game about the pleasure of fast pace mobility.
-Great! Make a mazelike level design so that the player won't see a way to advance elegantly through the level and feels like drunk bonking his head against a wall.
-I don't think that would be a good i-
-Also put constant, mandatory enemy fights that interrupt the pacing and force you to either engage with the stupidest, nastiest, dumbest and most useless gunplay in existence or with a hidden QTE that lasts like 0,2 seconds and instakills you if you fail it.
-And sprinkle it with a story written by a lobotomized monkey.
-...You aren't very smart are you?

Retired because messing with mods and the stupid fucking dyndolod deleted my saves and I don't feel like starting again.

I think the reason most people hate skyrim is that they view it as an rpg. And honestly? Yeah, it is an horrendous rpg. But, if you ignore the false advertising that tries to convince you it is rpg, and start viewing it as an exploration game with very light rpg elements, you can have a great experience travelling skyrim, as it's indeniable that journeying across it at night while secunda plays and you contemplate the moons is a very satisfying experience.

Maybe it was the fatigue after playing the entire saga back to back, but it isn't as good as dishonored 2, and the recycled levels and the abysmal lack of powers certainly don't help.

Sundered is the game version of "Nuts and Gum, together at last!".
Why waste so much talent and hard work into a game that tries to mix what are, at their core, completely incompatible game genres such as metroidvania and roguelike.