My complaints are few, but really detract from the fun.
Grinding world of light to unlock the full gargantuan roster is more of a chore than anything fun, the UI is not great, particularly the bafflingly organized-by-induction-order character select, and the barely functional online.

Personal Accolades - Golden Haro 2k18 2nd Place Winner, Formerly with a 9/10 or 4.5 star score.

New Vegas is a much more well researched and considered take on Fallout thanks to Obsidian, but i find myself disappointed in the lack of true narrative freedom. Maybe it's enormous reputation set up some lofty unreachable goals, but I frequently felt frustrated at the lack of dynamism and interactivity when it came to decision-making and how my companions reacted to whatever it was I was doing.

It's a hell of a whole lot better than Fallout 3 and actually feels authentic to the original game, but it being a project rushed by Zenimax higher-ups and still being built off of Fallout 3 means many of those game's issues still persist while being even more unstable and crash-prone.

Sadly, I feel like I somehow missed all of the cool stuff. Enjoyable nonetheless, but entirely unfulfilling - By far my least favorite Obsidian title to date.

Ya can’t beat Tetris but Tetris Effect wraps it up in some gorgeous visuals and audio. The main campaign can be a little frustrating at times, but I do feel it ultimately made me a better Tetris boy. The new mechanics are interesting and the pace of the levels makes for some interesting mixups, but I’ll stick to more classic modes to get my Tetris fix.

A fun, if shallow 2000's FPS that's elevated by being a novel take on the Star Wars universe.

Waow, cool gramphics and mechanics! Kind of clunky and overwhelming UI, and though the combat is engaging multiple runs can really wear you down faster than most other rogue-like games because of how involved each combat is

Mirror's Edge is simply one of the most unique and refreshing games I've played. It's too bad they never made a sequel.

Life is Strange suffers from some unevenly paced episodes, awkward dialogue to begin, and a handful of puzzles that overstay their welcome - Impressively, this does little to diminish it's excellent presentation and moments of brilliance in effective story telling in ways truly unique to the medium of video games. Life is Strange is not perfect, but it is absolutely an achievement. Hella shitballs cereal

Personal Accolades - Golden Haro 2k19 2nd Place Winner

A solid enough effort from a first-time studio, that suffers from not enough development time and a little bit of an identity crisis - Many of its flaws are inherited by Reach, but just as many are newly introduced. Not every level is solid, but a decent amount are. Halo 4's strengths are found in it's cinematography, voice cast, and human story, but doesn't manage a totally clean landing in most things Forerunner related: mechanically, aesthetically, nor narratively.

This game looks like how Mountain Dew tastes.

Doom Eternal's gameplay is an evolution from doom 2016 that offers more depth and satisfaction, but feels less revelatory than its predecessor.

Perhaps most of its faults attributed to it are unfair - Doom 2016 was a huge surprise and it's hard to follow up such a strong first impression.

The visuals are incredible, and the music is solid, yet something about the game's presentation feels less intensely demonic. Chalk it up to the change in atmosphere, the different combat dance, or whatever you want, but despite Eternal feeling just so much better to actually play, it's a game that feels strangely unsurprising. It feels almost dirty to rank it below 2016's reboot.

The base levels are actually a bit tighter designed than base Doom Eternal - The story is a little more nonsense and not conveyed very well, and i do miss having access to the doomslayer's base and progression, but nonetheless The Ancient Gods shows a promising path for Doom Eternal.
Ancient Gods part one is only mostly let down by a poor final boss fight, but i was surprised to see the base game's most annoying enemies used a bit more cleverly this time around.

i knew this was a turbo brain game but holy cow is it a turbo brain game :(

Shadows of the Empire manages to throw out most modern common game design sense (By way of predating it) in a clunky but ambitious action game that somehow ultimately has enough cool factor and atmosphere to make just fun enough to still keep playing.

Despite the loss of the more visually appealing still-cutscenes in exchange for chunky 90's CG cutscenes, the smooth framerate, customizable controls, and support for a number of resolutions makes the PC port the definitive way to play this in 2020.

An everchanging game with intensely satisfying gameplay loops and limitless creative potential. From the wonders of space.

This game is probably the best thing to come out of The Oregon Trail.

Personal Accolades - Golden Haro 2k18 5th Place Winner

Mass Effect 3 takes 1 step forward, and about 60 back. I don't really care about the ending and had it spoiled years before I ever touched the game - From the start, the story is the emotional equivalent of a limp noodle. Mass Effect 1 and 2 had me hooked to completion - I took about a month break in the middle of Mass Effect 3.