Detailed, immersive, terrifying, and fantastic all the same.
My only issue is performance, but knowing it's mostly an engine issue, I can easily look past it.

The story is gripping, some of the best writing that has come from a Nintendo game in the past decade.
However, this game is MASSIVE, to the point where I find myself at a loss for where to even begin.

One of the greatest entries in the series; fun, fast, great characters both old and new, and now on PC.
This might make it into my replay rotation!

Some of the best shooting in Borderlands! The story however....yeah it's not the best. Unnecessary character deaths and dumb decisions are abound in this one; definitely skipping cutscenes in my playthroughs after my first run through.

A fantastic departure from the standard Pokemon formula, I'm hoping we get another iteration. Pokemon Legends: Kyurem, maybe?

Metroid is BACK!
Dread is everything I've wanted, if you have any interest in Metroid, you need to pick this up!

Really good fun with a great main cast.
Games with as little advertising as this usually fail into obscurity, which should speak to the quality of this game.

A terrific game, and a wonderful starting point for players new to the Souls-like genre.
Very tricky at the start, but stick with it, and you'll be in for an amazing time, both I gameplay and story.

It captures the fun of traditional DnD almost perfectly.
Hilarious, charming, and smart, this kight be my game of the year!