One of my favorites of all time. I don't think it's perfect in any way, in fact I think it has way too many flaws that people tend to overlook.The non party embers social links are a bit of a step down when compared to three's, the gameplay loop is still fairly similar, and some of the dialogue doesn't really work all too well in my opnion. And yet, regardless of all that, I still chose to give it a perfect score. While it does have some issues, the game excels in so many areas it almost feels unnatural. The music is terrific, the main characters, are all extremely well developed and actually feel like they have significant depth to them, even though they are (intentionally) a bit cartoonish in nature at times. The party actually fells like a real group of people with real, believable interactions among them. The gameplay may not have as many difference from 3 as i would have liked, but it's still super fun. The story is really well thought out, and if you managed to not get spoiled, the big culprit reveal is incredibly satisfying. This is a really easy game to sink hours and hours into without even realizing it, it does have plenty of flaws, but as I said, it has way more positives. I could go on and on about all of its positive aspects, but I think the picture is pretty clear by now: Persona 4 Golden is one of th best JRPGs out there and is absolutely worth everyone's time.

I played this with my sister when we were 7, I liked the red dude with guns

The first thing I did after my house burned down was buy a replacement Goro Akechi figure. I really like that guy.

This game kind of feels like drinking hotdog water idk how else to explain my thoughts on it

I think that the whole "this game saved my life" trend is a bit annoying but this one kind did that for me if I'm being honest

This game feels like going to your favorite hot dog stand and getting that hot dog you know you like. It may not be fancy but you can keep going there over and over again and still have a really good hot dog (I've played this over 14 times)

Imagine you go this hot dog stand you've liked for years and they have this brand new fancy hot dog. It has all toppings knwon to man, fancy saussage and buns, all that stuff.... but the sausage is undercoocked. There's still a lot to enjoy in thre, but it definetly feels like there's something missing. it's a shae because it has so much potential and could be one of the all time bests if they just cooked it a bit longer

Imagine eating a hot dog from sketchy hot dog stand in the middle of nowhere, that's what this game feels like. The hotdog may not be too bad but it definetly tastes funny

This game is like going to New York and having all of your friends tell ypu you need to try this one famous old hotdog place. When you get there the food is good, sure, but it's not really as great as people make it out to be. Definetly one of those things that gets better public opinions for being a classic and people's childhood favorites. Still, it's a pretty good hot dog

I exclusively play this game with one friend and then never touch it again (it has also sent me into serious debt)

I didn't believe that games could be effectively graded on a 0-10 point scale until i played this and was like "yup that's a 6/10"

I know people like complaining about this game's level design being too linear but I really dont see the problem. Imagine going down the best hallway in the world. Doesn't that sound awesome? Yeah this game is awesome

I remember really enjoying this game when I first finished it, but it has been really hard to replay it, and I've tried it multiple times. I don't think it has to do with the replaybility value being low or anything like that, the spectacle is just kind of gone after the first run. The combat is really good and I think that the whole no cuts thing is a bit underrated. Don't care much for the story but it's enjoyable

Honestly this game just didn't click with me. I had fun with the first one, but I struggled with replaying it, and ragnarok kind of gave me the feeling I was just going through 2018 again. I'm not claiming that it doesn't have enough new content to justify it being a standalone game, it definitely has meat on the bones, but it just felt too similar to its predecessor for me and it just kind of bored me. I had to stop somewhere around the third arc but I might go back if I have the time later on.

This game is probably the best 2D platformer of all time. I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but it's definetly better than most others out there. I'm not overly found of the genre so i don't usually finish these games, but this one managed to retain my attention throughout. It has a surprising decent amount of challenge in the harder levels, something I felt the "new" games were definetly missing. The new visuals and everything related to the wonder effect is amazing, it sets out to breath new life into the franchise and masterfully succeds. The power ups are kind of lame.