Unicorn is pretty fun. I cand definitely see how it might be overwhelming for someone without a lot of tactics experience, but it has a lot of resources to help you grasp the main systems.

Personally I felt that the lack of variety on the combat stages, and the somewhat basic characters were it's main negatives. For the latter you can definitely justify it by saying that are simply too many characters to go into, which is fair, but for the former I don't think there's really an excuse. The overworld is also a bit basic, but harmless.

Now for the positivies: The game is beautiful, the visuals and art style are top notch, it can be really nice to look at. The core gameplay os lhenomenal- once you actually learn it. The whole thing feels extremely polished, you can tell a lot of care and thought went into it.

This is just short of being the perfect tactics game for me, it's an amazing package with not many flaws. If it looks even slightly appealing to you then you might want to give it a try

This game gets a lot of praise from all sorts of people and before playing I didnt really understand why that was, it just seemed like another standard JRPG to me.

Man was I wrong, this game has everything. The music, the story, the artstyle, and surprisingly even the combat are top notch. Playing this for the first time changed my brain chemistry in a way that can only be explained to someone else who has also experienced this masterpiece. Absolutely a 10/10 game, maybe an 11/10 even.

Now Square Enix make either a 3D HD Remake or one on the style of DQXI.

Stupid fucking piece of shit

I don't really have words to describe Xenoblade 3. Just go play it, please.

As someone who always loved the FF7 lore and story, it feels weird to say that my favorite thing from the Remake is the combat, but yeah it is. I first played it at around its original release time, and remember being absolutely astounished by just how well they managed to combine the turn based and action elements. The story suffers a bit from being locked in midgar, but I do think they make the most out of it (if you ignore some side quests). It used to run poorly on my 2014 PS4 but the PS5 version is flawless in that regard.

This game is bizarre, I genuinely can't even imagine how they managed to make it. The kind of freedom it gives you at all times is the sort of thing developers would lie and say would be in their games for the past 2 decades. I know it has already received an overall incredible amount of praise, but I don't think it's enough. This is the kind of game that everyone should, at the very least, appreciate the fact it exists. It is genuinely one of a kind, a monumental acomplishment for Lariant, and something the whole industry should see as an example of what a game can be.

I am by no means a rythm game player, I've tried Osu like once or twice, and played a fair bit of Beat Saber. It feels kind of unfair to say this is my favorite rythm game of all time but I mean yeah it is. I don't love how they did the KH3 stuff, and I'm not the biggest fan of some of the map designs. The story relevance it has on the franchise can probably be summed up in like one paragraph. Still, I had a lot of fun with this, and am pretty close to the platium. The track selection is great, I love how they have different teams, and I think that the way the gameplay works is mostly pretty clever.

This game changed something in me in 2019

I consumed a LOT of Danganronpa content when I was like 15 and I remember this one being my favorite

The combat in XVI is amazing. The sheer spectacle of the boss battles is unprecedented in the games industry (I think everyone should experience the bahamut fight at least once in their life). The story is spectacular and refreshingly mature, while still often capturing the charm that is at the core of the FF franchise. It's a shame that even with all that going for it people still choose to complain about how there aren't enough shiny markers and random weapons or whatever on the open field. This is genuinely one of the best action rpgs of all time, and it's one of those cases where I think it's paramount you ignore other's opinions and try it for yourself.

You can get some fun times out of this game but it can start to easily tire you out after a while.

This game is probably the best 2D platformer of all time. I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but it's definetly better than most others out there. I'm not overly found of the genre so i don't usually finish these games, but this one managed to retain my attention throughout. It has a surprising decent amount of challenge in the harder levels, something I felt the "new" games were definetly missing. The new visuals and everything related to the wonder effect is amazing, it sets out to breath new life into the franchise and masterfully succeds. The power ups are kind of lame.

Honestly this game just didn't click with me. I had fun with the first one, but I struggled with replaying it, and ragnarok kind of gave me the feeling I was just going through 2018 again. I'm not claiming that it doesn't have enough new content to justify it being a standalone game, it definitely has meat on the bones, but it just felt too similar to its predecessor for me and it just kind of bored me. I had to stop somewhere around the third arc but I might go back if I have the time later on.

I remember really enjoying this game when I first finished it, but it has been really hard to replay it, and I've tried it multiple times. I don't think it has to do with the replaybility value being low or anything like that, the spectacle is just kind of gone after the first run. The combat is really good and I think that the whole no cuts thing is a bit underrated. Don't care much for the story but it's enjoyable