Surprisingly, not bad. Honestly, it's more cute than anything. It's a neat little game for the time and after having played MGS1-3. Use a walkthrough and maybe some save states, though.

This is probably one of the most ambitious 2D games ever. I feel like Kojima's mind was working 4 console generations ahead of its time. Not amazing or anything but like... it shouldn't be this good for 1990 lmao
Final boss is legitimately great story wise and the whole story gains so much depth after knowing the later games.

Such a wild ride. While the story obviously isn't nearly as complex, powerful, or thematically driven as 2's, it's still good and always kept me intrigued, with one particularly good character to back it up.
But story aside, this game is a damn near masterwork of presentation. Visuals, sound design, camera direction. The visceral horror and scariness in general is absolutely amazing and the tension and atmosphere is nearly as good as its sequel. I'm shocked this is running on a PS1. I prefer 2's gameplay but that's really more of an afterthought in a game like this.

Outside of a very lackluster final world, this game remains a classic. The level design flows fantastically and the music and general atmosphere is perfect.

Beautiful story and my favorite atmosphere in gaming history. Please play it I beg of you.

Solid game. Even the worst stages, like 5', have fucking baller music so you can never not have fun. Maria is absolutely unplaytested levels of broken but in a fun way.

Definitely a worthy remake, only major problem is the over-brightened final boss. The inclusion of Master Quest was a great idea as well.

I cannot express with words how much pain this game has caused me and I would not wish even a single run of it upon my worst enemy. It killed all of my friends and family and everyone I have ever loved. And the best part is that Legends is actually worse.

The final boss is a little iffy, and the sidequests are definitely bad at times with their 1% drop rates, but besides that, this game is nonstop fun and creativity. The bosses are only topped by Dawn of Sorrow, the soundtrack has some great ones, and as a whole it's just a perfected blend of minor metroidvania navigation and combat more akin to the classicvanias.

Though this game is quite lacking in the story department outside of a few things like the protagonist and chapter 7 in particular (which I'll fully admit is fantastic), the gameplay makes the game more than worth a playthrough. Definitely 10/10 in that regard, and I'll probably get the DLC at some point. Great bosses (combat in general) and puzzles that make Dark Souls look like a game for babies. Music is pretty good too.

(Replay) The public consensus turns a blind eye to this game, and I truly can't fathom why. This game is the culmination of all Final Fantasy up to that point.
Absolutely peak gameplay, the best in the series. It's tough as nails, rewarding, complex, and outright requires you to plan and get as creative as you can. You never have to grind at any point, you just need to figure out what you could change about your strategy and then carry it out. If you primarily care about gameplay, this is the #1 must-play Final Fantasy for you.
The story, often hated on for being comparatively very simple or even childish when it's right next to VI, VII, IX, etc, is very much still good in my opinion. Not great, and not without its flaws, but it's cute, the characters are extremely enjoyable, Exdeath is peak, and the graphical leap since IV allows for some extremely well-directed cutscenes with perfect animations.
The soundtrack is also amazing. It's Uematsu. I don't need to elaborate.
I firmly believe FFV to be the best in the series in every single aspect up to that point. It can't touch the following classic entries for story, but in every other area it absolutely measures up, and in gameplay, clears all of them.
Very happy I replayed as I had forgotten most of it and happy to say it has risen above VIII for me. The most underrated FF by a lot.

Probably the most fun I've had in this series since Ecclesia. It's not perfect, it's a little bit too easy for my liking, but man it's so fun nonetheless and does a ton of things right like the controls and synergy between the characters. Solidifies the DS as THE best set of games in the series. Probably the best soundtrack of the 3 as well.
Also it is cute. Cute game that is cute and makes you go ":)"

One of the rare first NES games for a series that absolutely still holds up. By far my most replayed game ever (I mean you can beat it easily in like 20 minutes what do you expect).

Absolutely timeless. One of my favorite games of all time. Ascended soundtrack (one of my favorites of all time, video game or not), phenomenal level design, a ton of fun to 100%. Favorite platformer.