My favorite gameplay of all time. It's masterful from beginning to end (with both characters) combined with some of the best atmosphere and most beautiful backgrounds ever make for one of the easiest 10/10's I have ever given. One of my new favorite games.

One of my most played games of all time. Not much else to say, just endlessly replayable with some of my favorite controls and moveset in any game.

For my first (real) RE game, I am very pleasantly surprised. This game is nothing but fun the whole way through. Not perfect, but a very good exercise in routing, planning ahead, and risk vs reward. I enjoyed it so much I did all four campaigns in a row.

The first half of this game is pathetically easy and is kind of a boring slog, but the second half... actually kinda goes hard. It's not amazing or anything but the bosses after the halfway point are actually really good. For the whole duration, the game is visually stunning, with immensely detailed environments making for some of my favorite atmosphere in the series, and the soundtrack is like... one of the best in the entire series. That first half really does drag it down overall though.

Great revisit to A Link to the Past's world. The painting mechanic allows many of the puzzles and bosses to get extremely creative, and the stuff with buying items from the shop can be frustrating when you die but for the most part I think it adds a lot of variety to replays and how you approach new dungeons. Music is great too, one of my favorite Zelda soundtracks.

I'll get it out of the way: the gameplay is bad; however, I think it's bad in a really fun way so I totally still enjoy it. As for the story... I love so much about it but nobody can deny that it has a ton of issues. I do think the good outweighs the bad, but I can see why people don't like it and there's no denying it's flawed as all hell in my opinion. Still, I really like it and the music is masterclass.

Very split on this game overall. I love what it does well and hate what it does poorly. Surprisingly good story, dungeons, etc. But very bad overworld sections and downright horrible filler/padding in the late game (even the early game has a lot of it). Sometimes I really want to replay it because I really do appreciate what it does well but then I remember the fucking Tadtones and I don't want to do that anymore.

"So let me get this straight, you think Dracula X is a really solid addition to the series?"
I do, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

The music takes a hit from Rondo of Blood, obviously, but visually, it clears in pretty much every area. Some really nice pixel art in this game.
The controls are basically the same except you move a lot slower now, which I don't think gets in the way too much as you're gonna be jumping a lot, which retains a faster speed.
There are a couple screens I can't defend, but for the most part, the level design and enemy placements are perfectly fine and even interesting in my opinion, and there are fun speedrun tricks and various bits of tech to employ throughout all of the routes. The bosses are just as good as they are in Rondo, too, and I definitely prefer this game's Dracula fight compared to Rondo's boring one. Not to mention this game has the best power/usefulness balance in the subweapons out of any game in the series.
Dracula X is a fun time in my opinion. Tricky to learn, but feels great to master.


Such a weird, but extremely interesting game. Even though it requires a lot of personal speculation and interpretation, the story is absolutely fascinating and more than worth checking out, and is more than a masterpiece of atmosphere alone. Oh and the OST is banging.

What a great game. Some of the most creative platforming challenges I've ever encountered, with every mechanic or gimmick being milked dry in the absolute best way. With 10/10 gameplay wrapped in a nice, cute story, there's never a dull moment. I will continue to play it to unlock the harder levels long after I've beaten the main story. Easy, easy recommendation.

Great fun. In terms of being a story, it's better than chapter 2, though I like chapter 2 more for being peak comedy. Great bosses and music, and much better graphics than Undertale.

Still an okay game, but it's significantly less polished than CV1 in pretty much every way besides the music and visuals. Literally over half the levels suck. There's stuff to like but every time I replay it I feel like it was a waste of time.

Fun and underrated. Linebeck is one of the best Zelda characters and the gameplay is very weird to get used to but fun outside of Temple of the Ocean King. Shoutout to the bosses, they're pretty cool.

Only problem with Smash 4 is that there is literally no reason to ever play it again anymore.