582 Reviews liked by Herodotus

I played this at a barcade last night and it was great!! Such a unique arcade machine

Honestly wasn’t expecting myself to finish this one, but it sucked me in pretty hard. Very archaic obviously since it was on original Game Boy, but it’s so impressive for the hardware! Very strange game indeed…

Athough the very linear design frustrated me at first, I got more engrossed in the narrative and atmosphere as it went on and grew to love it!!! Pretty tough too

Yeah, this goes straight into my top 5 of all time. Absolute banger of a game.
I could say so many things about this game to explain why I enjoyed it so much, from the small details to the gameplay mechanics but...

...I'll just leave this here

Abandoned after playing around 60% of the story

This is how you NOT make a sequel, fuck this game

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A MAJOR step up from the base game, like the difference is night and day.

My only issue is the Mimic but if I went on about him, we'd be here for a while

Out of the 3 villain DCs for Far Cry 6, this one felt the least polished and was the one I had the least amount of fun with.

It has all the same issues as the previous DLCs, that being it's extremely repetitive (Story Mode difficulty is your friend if you don't want to burn out too early) plus a few extras.

For some reason the character models are very ugly. When standing up close to talking NPCs the mouth animations reminded me of the Xbox/PS2/Gamecube era. It was made even more obvious when the environment still looked like pretty Far Cry 6 for the most part.

The world is also very bland and boring to traverse. With the previous DLCs I had fun trying to work out the fastest route to take using the wingsuit, parachute, and vehicles. By the end, even though I was getting annoyed with the repetition, I found some enjoyment and accomplishment with getting my completion time lower with each playthrough. Unfortunately I didn't get this feeling with Collapse and I found after completing the main tasks for the first time I was already thinking to myself, "Doing this 4 more times is going to be horrible."

I'm glad I played it to learn more about Joseph, but I was extremely relieved to be done with it.

Most blandest game I've ever played. Horrible villains for FC standards. If you're curious about what happens post the climax of FC5, just watch a YouTube video summarising it instead of playing this.

Far Cry 3 takes a premise that’s been done to death, and utilizes the tropes associated with it to craft a shockingly fresh story with well written characters that elevate an already memorable experience; though it can be an exhausting one.

Instead of the protagonist being another “Jack Carver”, mercenary, ex-military type- you’re instead put in the shoes of Jason Brody, a young photographer fresh out of college. His brother, Grant, fits the bill of the more active lead we’ve come to know the series for having up to this point.

But by flipping the series’ previous tropes on their head, Jason is allowed to grow from a scared kid, into a ruthless killer. It’s a protagonist who changes throughout the story, and not in any conventional way. His snowballing psychosis mirrors that of the people he’s killing… Vaas in specific. All of his violent actions influenced by the same people that twisted Vaas’ mind.

It’s a surprisingly gripping story almost the entire way through, and there’s some incredible voice acting to deliver good dialogue. The combat is well crafted, and rarely gets old. The amazing variety in weapons and choice of gameplay styles keeps the experience fun.

Sadly the experience is hindered by an over abundance of repetition in the ways to gain skill points. There’s of course capturing a base, or activating a radio tower. Sometimes you can do some new side quests that allow for a bit of money and mission variety… but there’s not enough reward to progress in a way that’s necessary to keep up with the enemies throughout the story.

This is a point that many others have already made, so I won’t lean into the game so hard for the “Ubisoft design problem” that’s brought up a lot. I will however criticize the random difficulty spikes and occasionally clunky traversing that can be a real hindrance on gameplay.

Though the open world design can be tiring, and a more linear approach might’ve been better suited at times… Far Cry 3 manages to get a lot more right than it does wrong… and it’s an experience unlike any game I’ve played so far… and perhaps that would be different had I played ubisofts other titles. Nonetheless, it’s worth the time for the story alone. A must play for sure.

An incredibly fun game that unfortunately overstays its story mode welcome. Should have ended far sooner than it did. Some great characters and storytelling to be found here.

It's genuinely horrific how bad this game is

If a game has vengeance in its title, then you know its bound to suck. This is the only Farcry game ive played. What can I say, I do not like this series. The AI are not programmed correctly, its ugly, the controls are bad there is nothing here to enjoy what so ever.

Everything about it is not awful but if you add all of it together it makes something terrible :)