132 reviews liked by Hintlord

Talking flowers, really?

This series has been around for god knows how long and the kids who grew up with the original game on the NES are old enough now to collect social security. So why does the series continue to go for the kiddie audience instead of appealing to his actual fans, the adults? Think of how awesome a Mario game where he swears and uses mushrooms like drugs would be. Such a shame that the lazy devs don’t understand what the real fans want.

Haven’t played yet but he erased his deadname? I’m so happy for his transition

The best Megaman Romhack I've played. It is actually insane what the creator was able to pull off. The Final Boss having a healthbar for his healthbar was an epic moment yo

This is no ordinary Mega Man ROM hack, as despite having the same 8 Robot Masters as 4, nothing is ever the same. You're given much stronger weapons than the base game, that are capable of absolutely crazy things. Some are simple changes like "oh the Pharoah Shot fires 5 shots like a shotgun now" but others, like Hell Wheel and Toad, are completely different in ways you just have to see for yourself. In exchange, the stages and bosses are much, much harder. I'd call it the Brawl Minus of Mega Man 4 if I wanted to be cheeky. Stages come with new gimmicks, like Pharoah Man's that will change your rules on the fly and you have to adapt to it in each area. My only real complaint about the increased power is that your buster shot isn't aided in any meaningful way which while this does encourage Weapon use, it will make beating your first boss incredibly hard. Late game bosses are incredibly hard as well so the game makes sure you can't game over by showering you with items, not to mention your Rush Search, which is basically free items anywhere any time (so long as it has energy). The bosses really are all over the place, in ways that can be hard to keep up, but there's a rhyme and reason to all of their patterns you can pick up and learn leading to a lot to master in this game. Not only that, but there are tons of hidden goodies and little layers to this game that will reward you for going out of your way. There are lots of highlights in the second half of the game too, in the Cossack and Wily Fortresses, but you should really see those for yourself. I never thought I'd think "Mega Man Autoscrolling section" and get the fun kind of PTSD where you think about how genuinely difficult it was rather than lame and easy or horseshit. Also Rush Cannon is one of the funniest weapons ever. Should have said this earlier but I wanted to say it now.

This hack is super inventive, and I think everyone reaching out to Mega Man hacks and fangames should play this one!

I'm fucking the shit out of Mrs. Kawaguchi, I drive her and Kenny to the games. Just call me Mr. Kawaguchi 😉

After Pokemon Legends ZA was announced, I rushed home after work to replay Pokemon X. The last time I had opened up this game was before ORAS, so at least 10 years. I tried to like this game but the entire thing feels undercooked. The novelty of every Pokemon now in 3D has worn off, and unfortunately, I see this game as one of the most bare-bones titles in the series. The game just comes and goes without much happening. Most of the budget very clearly went to making the 3D models, which at the very least they have gotten great mileage out of, leading to some bangers on the 3DS in the future. Hopefully, Legends ZA will make up for Kalos getting the short end of the stick.

"Make a girl cry, that's not gonna fly. Make a girl smile, you pass the trial."

I can't hate this game.

Game for people who tweet “Animation isn’t just for kids” with images of the four most recent children’s movies attached

For its time the game was enjoyable, and it still gives me so much nostalgic just looking at the cover. I love how the characters had their own stages that matched their theme. The sounds of the crowd made the experience feel lively even.