22 Reviews liked by HumanCockImage

Estava muito afim de jogar um jogo de gangue que se passa no passado, não tinha Red Dead então foi Mafia II, mesmo sabendo que a época que os jogos se passam são bem diferentes. O jogo progride em dois tempos distintos, um em 1945 e outra em 1951, após um timeskip relacionado com eventos da história, durante todo esse tempo o player controla Vittorio Antonio Scaletta, de apelido Vito, imigrante italiano vindo de família pobre que decide entrar no mundo das máfias ítalo americanas para mudar isso.Em todo o tempo o game se passa na cidade fictícia de Empire Bay, que tem uma ambientação fantástica e é possível ver a diferença em questão da modernização antes e depois do timeskip, o que é perfeito. A história é simplesmente bizarra de boa, prendendo o jogador do início ao fim, tendo personagens muitíssimo carismáticos com o Joe e Leo, dentre outros, um enredo que progride de maneira leve e vai ficando mais pesado conforme o jogo evolui e um final que é extremamente foda, um dos melhores em quetão de narrativa que joguei ultimamente. Sobre a trilha sonora, ela surpreende principalmente quando se fala das rádios que tem no jogo, que tocam algumas músicas da época que o game se passa, dando uma maior imersão, são poucas músicas, só que elas dão para o gasto e como o cenário, após o timeskip as músicas também mudam, já os efeitos sonoros são muito bons. Porém nem tudo são flores, a gameplay é típica do gênero na pegada de GTA, um mundo aberto em terceira pessoa que tem ambientação base as cidades, mudando só os cenários, mas infelizmente ela deixa a desejar, a câmera do jogo é horrenda, deixando difícil atirar quando está subindo ou descendo escadas, só que o pior ainda está por vir que é o quão mal otimizado é o jogo no PS4, quedas de fps, bug visuais que transformam prédios em borrões e outros, além de uma ia bem fraca para os npc’s. Na minha opinião o jogo vale a pena, mas só compensa pega-lo em alguma promoção ou em forma de serviço, como a PS plus.

Once again a great story but really feels like a game from 2010 despite being a remaster and the ending is kinda ass

A series whose enduring charm lay in its relentless juvenilia decides to do what 2010’s design trends considered “growing up.”

About as convincing as three kids stacked in a trench coat.

real fun as usual, but these levels are killing me. I understand people who want actual levels in these kinda action games lost that fight a long time ago, but can you at least make them look pretty or something? I got a nightcap on and I'm yawning cartoonishly cos I've been staring at this fuck ugly tree for so long. I'm out here snoozing in a game where you can dual wield a motorcycle and give sin scissors a funny little hat

can't help but miss the vestigial resident evil bits and the weird kamiya + mikami -isms that itsuno sands down further and further with each subsequent entry. no doubt this is the best the combat's ever been, but DMC was never only about the combat no matter what weirdos whose favourite fighting game maps are the training stages tell you. I wanna do the Smokin Sexy Stuff and explore a gothic castle or tower or something with a reasonable amount of atmospheric oomph, I don't wanna hang out in butthole corridors for half the game

hard to talk about why the combat rules in a compelling fashion, or even some gross approximation of one. always struggle to put that kinetic verve into words and find a way to emphasize the heft of a blade or the timing of rating increase's sound effect. much like music criticism I think a lot of the text deployed in service of something so fundamentally felt seems ill at odds with the feeling itself. many have sought to obliterate language's stranglehold and biases on human experience and I can't help but think that's the proper lawful good instinct

just rest assured it's real good

nero's a full character now, dante has never been more dante, and as many growing pains as I had with V I ended up kinda vibing with him by the end of my Dante Must Die run. don't mistake me for a zato sympathizer but despite his gameplay being comparatively shallow there's a satisfaction to the light resource management and spacing elements that I find gratifying. learning the golem rhythm is a lot of fun once you're given good reason to bother and while I never graduated from the school of "make the bird do the held attacks while manually controlling the cat" I like the energy it gives off

good game, but I'm gonna have some words for itsuno if he doesn't treat lady better next time

Horrible allegory of the civil rights movement. I've seen more creativity in a public school creative writing class

mixed on this
i enjoyed the story to an extent but it 10000% could’ve been WAY better
should've just stuck to hank and connor and their dynamic
did not like the whole civil rights but robots thing they had going on

1: horseshit
2: slightly smaller pile of horseshit
3: has mostly washed itself of its sins and shame, but still has the stink of horseshit on it

While it does resemble a souls game, it has it's own identity and is a great piece of star wars media, not relying directly on the original work and having it's own thing going on. enjoyable cast, cool gameplay with very nice bossfights.

Not a bad game. Bayek is a cool main character, but it's the beginning of the terribly bloated open world RPG AC games, taking on the Ubisoft formula.

Red Dead 1 is really good, it kinda showed the versatility in Rockstar and the people that play their games.

And after playing Red Dead 2 all of my issues disappeared because now I fully understand it, this game is good for the time and still now. We just need a remaster.

That good good same old Spider Man. Not as impactful as the first or Miles Morales but it still improves upon them where it counts.

One of the best looking games of this generation, a real good fun action game, story was lackluster though and felt a bit rushed in its lack of side content

A wonderful digital museum experience, but you'll know already if you're going to enjoy this.. and you'll also know if you definitely won't.

Repetitive but has a fun setting.

This game is incredible. I honestly think this is the best narrative in any of the RGG games. Yakuza 0 made me more emotional, but this was just tighter. Also contains a very charming cast of characters. I loved basically everyone which is amazing since they are new faces. I did have an issue with the forced missions which clearly existed to pad the run time. Also, a lot of the detective stuff (search missions, trailing missions, chasing missions, etc.) were not fun to engage with which is a shame since the detective aspects of the story were so stellar; the actual combat was pretty fun though.