Fun to be had, but this game still sucks.

I think this game used to be amazing, but its only getting worse as time goes on. These days, its an alright game, with fun building mechanics, but really irritating movement. This game has lost all the personality it once had, though, which is the thing i hate most about this game.

Havent played a ton of the N64 version of this game, but it holds up well enough. Better than mario 64.

Incredibly fun game for a ps1 game. I loved it. Only game in the series ive finished.

Does everything it sets out to do and nails it.

Did not play for very long but i did not enjoy it.

Riot should try making fun video games

Fun but incredibly simple. Uses trial and error difficulty, which is very outdated and should be left in the dust. Sonic the Hedgehog should have been the last game to use trial and error, so its a shame this game uses it as well. All in all fun enough especially for the price.

Fun with amazing atmosphere and visuals. Flying around, tearing bricks out if walls and throwing them at monsters is very fun. Metroidvania elements and unexplored lore as well as a middling story often hurt this game, but its still worth a go.

This game is fun if you play with friends, with satisfying gunplay, unique stealth and some great maps. Unfortunately, some of the game’s mechanics are very annoying - constant waiting, stupid concealment system, repetitive missions. Worth playing with friends especially on sale.

I would argue its not very balanced and its not very replayable. Matchmaking could be improved as well. Who cares its FPS chess.

Two people per kart is not fun or interesting, handling is not fun either. Maps are boring and pretty weak. Item balancing is very fun and interesting. Fun with friends, but a mid Mario Kart.