The first play through of this game is amazing, with an unmatched sense if discovery for this incredible world. Actions truly have consequences, and in this game your actions can be whatever you want.

Fun but the exploration in this game is some of the worst in the series. I much prefer Super Metroid or Metroid Prime

Simply one of the most fun games of all time. Infinite replay-ability, and the best mario game.

Incredibly fun with an amazing story. Flawed, though.

Feels exactly like the first game, but with an even stronger opening. Pacing takes the most massive nose dive though and it kills the game for me.

Outdated and no longer fun. Controls are not fun. Camera is not fun. Levels are not fun. Music good. Worst 3D Mario

Just so incredibly fun. Took a while for me to get into it, but its really great.

Its not really that bad but somehow it still deserves a half star rating. Visuals and music deserve a shout out because they’re gorgeous. If only the game had an ounce of fun in it…

Not marios best, not very replay-able, but undeniably a must play game.


Fun is all a game needs to be, but the visuals and music happen to be good as well. Eternal tightens this game up much better in my opinion though.

Unfinished, but im not inclined to change that. Combat is simply not fun and makes me want to button mash. Maybe its just not for me, but i dont recommend this game.

Spider man with improved combat. Not as complete-feeling, but incredibe.