An improvement on 2, but not by much. Presentation is fantastic but the level design is still really bland and the partner character system is still quite annoying.

Definitely a bit of a step down from Dream Land 1 despite the copy abilities. Level design is just a lot of nothing and trying to get the real ending is needlessly annoying.

This is really interestingly designed, but I honestly found the progression and the fact that getting hit traps you in some 20 second form change that often ends with you rolling down a hill and losing minutes of progress to be really annoying. That said, seeing indies mess with this form now is great because there are some things being done in the Wario Land series that are downright brilliant but that I haven't seen any other platformer attempt until recently

The e-reader levels are so insanely good that it's completely ridiculous that Nintendo locked them behind cards no one could even easily get for a peripheral no one bought

Very serviceable if somewhat unambitious sequel to a solid first game. By far the best part is the fact that it's a modern RPG that's absolutely bursting with towns, secret areas, and cool turn based abilities to unlock - just proves that this old school style still has its place. The combat system is also tuned just about perfectly, and the ending encounters genuinely force you to consider all of your tactical options in a really fun way. Story is still nothing to write home about which has so far been the biggest flaw of this series.

Cute art, not really funny, mostly just boring.

Truly a fantastic game that I think has a lot of minute design quibbles that seem nitpicky on the surface but do actually keep it from reaching the occasional perfection of the original (just as one example: Don't like the modern Capcom approach to harder difficulty balancing much). That said it may not have the lows of RE4 2005 either. It's RE4 sanded down and molded into Capcom's modern RE template, and while in some ways that's a bad thing, it's a template that they've managed to nail quite successfully and they've clearly taken a lot of care in transferring it over.

The new Leon one liners make me very happy.

Very influential game and all that but lets be honest here this kinda blows

This thing lives or dies by its atmosphere, so it's a good thing it's one of the most well realized, enthralling, and no-this-isn't-a-buzzword genuinely immersive games ever made. The effects the environment can have on the visor... how hasn't every first person game been copying this.

I have some quibbles ranging from minor to somewhat major, the bosses could use work, I wish more movement options unlocked ala 2D Metroid's screw attack or speed booster to make backtracking later feel more rewarding and less occasionally obnoxious, combat in general could have done with some punching up etc but the actual act of just going through this incredible world renders a lot of that moot. Yamamoto's OST is incredible. I really hope that Retro finally shipping something again and seeing the positive reception its gotten gives them the confidence to really deliver in the home stretch of Prime 4.

Extremely clever concept executed very well, if a bit obnoxious at times. Really glad to see this in the US officially now.

Modern Nintendo: "Nooooooooo!!!! You can't make unique characters in Paper Mario anymore!!!!!! We must protect the brand!!!!"

Mario Land 2: "We put Dracula at the end of this level. For fun"

This would actually be kind of a vibe if it wasn't for the horrendous, ear grating sound design and horrible "combat"

Really, truly fantastic on the strategy side of things, playing on Hard/Classic had me hyper focused and genuinely invested in every single main chapter. The map design is really well considered and varied, easily some of the best maps I've seen out of my admittedly limited experience with the wider series.

But man this story is utter pablum lol. IntSys, idk what's happening over there but you used to be the best of the best, not sure how it ended up that one of your major franchises now feels completely directionless from a mechanical perspective and the other directionless from a tonal one.

Game Freak makes worst towns ever, asked to leave RPG development

Stupid Pokemon formula still being so fundamentally solid despite it being basically a crime to release this in the state its in

I think this is the game Sam Barlow has been trying to make his entire life. Another game in the "objectively messy but works for me specifically" trend of 2022. A bit too on the nose perhaps and feels like it toes the line between loving homage and straight up stealing, but if you're gonna steal, steal from the best, I guess. With one simple trick this thing innovates on the FMV game in a way that I think could spawn an entire subgenre. One of the best performances of the year in games (you know The One) and one or two moments that are going to stick with me for a long time.