yeah the game ain't great


the moment when the repetitive minecart minigame turned into a sick ass boss fight was a bangin moment

Think I like this a smidge more than DQ1. It's a lil bit longer but boy I am a sucker for a three-person RPG party. And they're all so cute!!




otherwise it's fun!


i didn't think I'd enjoy a roguelike this much let alone having it be one of the best games I played this year, fuckin phenomenal and it reminded me of how much I loved Bastion

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Finished my third playthrough of this a little bit ago and it's still a classic. Banging tunes, some banging cases (love u steel samurai) and banging twinks. No matter the game in this series, I'm always guaranteed at least one point where I'm shaking the DS in sheer excitement. I'll never forget the moment when the tide turns in the Steel Samurai case, or using the metal detector on Von Karma. The music kicks in; the camera runs around the courtroom and you slam through all that dialogue with such elation.
Those little tippy-tappy text boxes really know how to build tension, and the release it offers is so, so good.

Definitely rough at times with the hindsight of like, 20 other lawyer games, especially the ending of Case 2 being one of the most limp-dicked ending in the series. It's more noticeable after a playthrough or two but the difficulty also veers a liiittle too much on the easy side.

And of course, has to be said that Rise From The Ashes really needed a disclaimer before it starts. Just a little "hey this case is the longest one we've ever done, don't do this right after Case 4. Take a break plz" would go a long way. That being said? It fucks.

This whole game fucks. It was so good it gave us a million other lawyer games!

i want to marry everyone in this party. I love the story, I love the villain. I love the world and I love u. Hard to put why I like this game so much into words, it just clicks!
Every single chapter is great, and the party feels like a real family once everyone gets together.

sidenote: this is the best depiction of Ireland in a video game even if it's only an hour long. top of the feckin mornin to ya

Feels bad giving this game a low ranking because it has a lot of things going for it. The finished product though? Ehhhhhh

The worst thing is definitely its pacing and the handling of the Dream World/Real World switching. The novelty wore off halfway through the game, and I struggled to proceed at several points.

Alltrades Abbey is back but man.... it kinda blows. It takes foreeeeever to level up any classes, and I wish it was just tied to level instead. It seems like they really didn't know what they were doing once you finally defeat the first main villain, and the game just descends into this lackadaisical fetch quest from the second half onwards.

I couldn't bring myself to beat the final boss after losing to it once. I didn't wanna go back and grind. Time for DQ7.

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Takes everything the first two games did and blows it out of the fuckin park. I think all three games have their own unique issues and eccentricities but T&T gets so much (w)right it's almost perfect.

The best music in the series, the best cases in the series, maybe even the best prosecutor in the series? It's all here.

It's hard to give reasons for why this game works other than "it's everything you've seen already, but way better" but I think the most telling part is in the final case: Bridge to the Turnabout

When replaying Farewell, My Turnabout in JFA, it's still a great case. But I'd be lying if I said the drama isn't a bit dampened when you know the true culprit. It's got a lot of great moments to it, but you know what it's all building up to.

It has a nice subversive ending, but it's a classic whodunnit at heart at the end of the day. I talked about why I loved this case (and still do) in my other review. When I played it again, it really felt like, well, a replay. This is definitely the second time playing this case.

In contrast, replaying Bridge to the Turnabout was like playing it again for the first time. I know the real culprit going in but the mechanics of this case are insane. You aren't concerned with the real killer half the time, but proving how this borderline nonsensical crime could even take place. This case isn't a whodunnit, it's a howdunnit!

For god's sake, you end up proving that the real crime scene was actually over on the other side of a massive ravine that was transported by wire in a pendulum-like motion. And it's executed so beautifully that it doesn't even feel like a massive leap of logic; I get to feel like I'm almost the one coming up with this absolutely crackpot conjecture.

Every single piece of evidence you present adds another piece to the jigsaw; a jigsaw that is in itself a piece of a larger jigsaw which is in another jigsaw etc. etc.

There's so many moving pieces in this final case alone that I find it impossible to retain the exact structure in my head. Normally that's bad, but it gives this case an insane amount of replayability. It's like the best dinner I've ever had, and I have unlimited leftovers in the fridge.

It's an amazing feeling when you are at the last testimony in the game and you suss out that final clue. When you point that finger and the remix of Cornered from AA1 kicks in, you've fuckin made it. You've made one of the best games ever. I can't help but gush about this game.

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Man, this game is a mess. My main problem from my first playthrough is realising that I barely knew anything new about Apollo at the end of the game. That same issue arises here.

A story that's supposed to introduce your new attorney that ends up spending 75% of its plot tying up loose ends of the previous one.

The best moments come from when you are free from that gosh darned ex-lawyer Phoenix Wright. I don't even think he's written poorly; hell, it's kinda interesting as a premise. The problem is shoehorning in a old character's redemption arc with the first entry of a new trilogy. With only four cases in the game, it's bound to get cluttered.

And the cases? Oof, it's mixed. Turnabout Corner and Turnabout Trump are pretty good cases, especially the latter. Trump breaks the mold by having a longer-than-average intro case with some pretty challenging elements to it off the bat. It ends on a stark note and really sets up the mystery of the game.

Unfortunately, the rest of the game falls flat. Turnabout Corner is a decent case. By which I mean, the crime is interesting, but the characters and crime-family-drama don't really engage me compared to past cases. It gives me similar vibes to Recipe for Turnabout from T&T, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

One of Apollo Justice's best additions that thankfully stays in the series is interactive evidence. Using the touch screen to analyze fingerprint and blueprints, as well as rotating evidence for more precise clues has great potential.

And you know what? It does pay off a lot of the time! The game doesn't outright say what makes a piece of evidence unique. You really need to go digging in your court record to find out the quirks.
At the same time, there are still a lot of growing pains. I think that's most evident in Turnabout Serenade.

Mechnically speaking, this case is all over the place. One of the better moments is using a sound mixer to isolate a dud note in a song (foreshadowing a later point where you use it to detect a gunshot; it's really well handled imo).

But then you have the video tape. That accursed FMV. That siren song. I close my eyes and I see it. It echoes in my ears. This video is the bane of my existence. Seeing a single frame of it sets off my fight-or-flight response.

It just never ends. You have to examine it so many times, presenting it in court, re-watching it, with minimal playback control. Rise from the Ashes had something similar, but at least that was used more sparingly (and had more than one or two clues to suss out).

Along with generally tedious investigation segments, a lacklustre story and an almost nonsensical choice of defendant, it's not a great case in the slightest.

But it's not even the worst case in the game.

That infamy belongs to Turnabout Succession. It has the potential to be the sloppiest case in the entire series. In real-time, you get to see the game crumble under the weight of its ambitious storyline. Phoenix is redeemed, Apollo gets the bad guy, we have a new court system.

And that's it I guess? Barely anything feels satisfying. You don't really grow with Apollo like Phoenix in AA1; you discover just how shallow the main villain is; you discover the (very questionable) disbarrment of Phoenix Wright; and you have to go between the future and past in a semi-simulation, semi-recollection using the MASON system. To top it all off, you don't deduce anything major for the final section of this case; you have a button that says Good Ending/Bad Ending.

I finished this game with a feeling of wanting less. If this was how the rest of the new trilogy was going to go, I might've just been content with the original games. Thankfully, this game is a hurdle worth getting over for its sequel.

i think if i played the original I would've never played another game again. oh god why am i still stuck in this prison but hey good game i guess

point deducted because i swear i had an idea for a murder-mystery detective game like a year before this came out and I am BITTER
still fun I GUESS

replayed with the restoration mod and it FUCKZ

An unfairly maligned entry in the franchise: this game is awesome.

I will concede, it's faaaaaar far far from perfect. The first half of the game is average, and that third case is straight-up trash.


I would argue that the second half is great. Yes, even that final case.

Those first three cases could be a write-off, but they serve their purposes as a vehicle for the game's overarching plot. To this day, I think it's one of the strongest stories in the series. A few hiccups here and there but more or less really good.

Great characters too. Tyrell Bad great, Kay Faraday great, Lang great, Shin-na great, I love em all.

I'm sleepy so I'll finish this later lol but i like this game

This and the first game were the best plastic instrument games ever, and it's an absolute travesty that it got canned after only two games. wicky wicky WAHHHHHHH

I've been way too harsh on this game in the past! Yeah the circus case still sucks, and yes it has some really testing investigation segments BUT

Psyche Locks!! More complex court segments!! Being able to present profiles as Evidence! The health bar!! My wife is the prosecutor!!!!

AA1 is hands down the better game but I definitely miss those features upon replaying it. This is definitely quite experimental looking back and I think a lot of those attempts pay off!

Unfortunately, it's a really uneven experience. The aforementioned third case has some of the most bonkers leaps of logic in the whole series, it would make a Professor Layton fan swoon.
The first two cases are decent, but both feel like they're missing a certain snappiness like the first game's cases has.

But just when you think it's gonna be a middling experience, the game spits in your face and gives you Farewell, My Turnabout.

This is hands down one of the high points of the entire series and they really knew what they were doing leaving this to the end.

The pacing, difficulty, humour and stakes are so fine-tuned you'd have to wonder if they designed the rest of the game around this case. Even though I know this plot beat-for-beat, I can't help but still feel a little bit of shock when the plot throws another spanner in its works. I wanna throw the DS in the air when that last trial is finally over. I absolutely LOVE the bombast of this case. Back when I first played this case a few years ago, I didn't think I could get this emotional from a game that is essentially a glorified pop-up book. Boy was I impressed.

Also I don't know which has me on edge more; the melodrama of the murder-mystery, or the hardcore sexual tension between Wright and Edgeworth. Get a room, you randy barristers!

Now, if only the rest of the game was as good as this case.

If only there was a game that came after this one that takes what it learns to make the best AA game ever HMMMMMM

that'd be neat

fuck parties, i'm doing this adventure on my own!!!

It's fun. Any gripes I got with it don't matter much because of how short it is. The iOS version is also pretty snazzy and got me through my boring job at the time!