12 Reviews liked by ImAmJuggernaut

anti-woke masterpiece. the protagonist reminds me of my desire to be a fly on the wall in the room of the person i love most. combat is fire but i feel like it could benefit from sporting mayhaps a levelling system with skill trees. where is the combo counter? i once made her partner install a hidden camera inside of the toilet



One of the few games I've played that gets worse the more you play it. I absolutely recommend it up until you've won a run for the first time but to 100% the game from there is very tedious and the game just doesn't have enough variety for all the runs it asks of you to actually be fun by the end.

Every other day i wake up to a tweet going like “My uncle who lives in Korea saw Kim Jihoon eating babies outside the local gas station” and then the replies are all like “god…this goes against the themes of ruina…when roland said not to eat the baby…fuck”

Rance 5D goat ?! thousands of storylines ?! unlimited characters ?! so much customization !?!?

This cáncer thing is pretty strong I don't think I will beat it Zin and Walter

If you like interesting lore, challenging games, creepy cool monster designs, management simulators, or morally gray anime characters that make you wonder if you're being talked down to but with enough plausible deniability to make you ignore it, look no further!

Lobotomy Corporation is an extremely addicting game where you manage the workers at an energy production company. The energy is harvested from monsters called "abnormalities" and you have to make sure you work with them in just the right way or they might eat your workers alive, break loose, or have some other awful effect on your facility. You can restart every work day in case anything goes wrong though, so if something doesn't go according to plan you can have a do over.

The monsters all have unique and really cool designs. Some of the abnormalities are pretty grotesque abominations but there are goofier ones, like some human sized shrimps vibing in their containment cell. They all have a detailed write up about them that you can unlock and read about if you work with them enough. Sometimes it's about how they came to be, sometimes it's a little story about it that happened in the facility, it varies from abnormality to abnormality. There are also monsters you can fight that will spawn in the facility and aren't abnormalities, and those are pretty cool too.

The heads of the different departments in game will give you missions that you don't really have to complete, but if you do rewards you with some of their backstory and some more information about the world. You start to get a better idea of the big picture the more you play, and it makes you want to keep playing to keep learning new information.

This isn't a game for everybody, but if you're okay with a bit of horror and some light gore, and if any of what I said interests you, I'd definitely recommend this.