May have been LAGGY AF, Atrocious graphics but damn was the gameplay still fun

(Didn't get attached to my team though since I kept switching them out of my team </3)

So very slow to play
Would NEVER RECOMMEND ANYONE, it felt such a slog to get through and I'm glad it's over

What can I say, I love pulling for characters :]
Though the story can be a lore-info dump at times
It's still really fun to play for me (the exploration)

Definitely a fun game to play
I wish characters got more screen time besides the royals
ALSO that final fight sucked :[
Missed opportunity to use Chapter 25 as the GRAND FINALE!

Cured my fear of spiders
would recommend for treatment 0v0b

I really enjoyed this game more than I expected!
The cast was the highlight and was the main thing that engaged me (alongside the combat system!)
P.S. Ringo is just a really great Protag (I love her English VA)
I'm glad I didn't listen to all the negativity surrounding the game and played :]

It was a fun game though it can feel clunky at times and the difficulty feels strange? Some bosses were SUPER EASY while some more Pretty hard. I think there was also a lack of guidance for certain mechanics where I had to rely on guides to know what to do/ where to go (for example, I didn't know that you couldn't really find any stronger weapons in the wild and you had to solely rely on transmuting and leveling stuff.

A fun roguelike, though any runs going for a turret build is just OP and the easiest way to win :p


Yuma and Shinigami were a great duo and I enjoyed their banter a lot. Despite some shortcomings I really enjoyed it and it was what I needed at this period of time. Refreshing enough from the standard scenario of danganronpa; I think it allowed for a better chance at world building and I preferred the focus on a smaller cast - it allowed the characters to feel more likeable!

Sophia was amazing and so was Wolf (I loved them both!)
I loved the combat system tho sometimes the AI of other party members on higher difficulties felt a little wonky

Very enjoyable RPG Maker Game, highly underrated! Just turn off 18+ scenes and enjoy the HEAVY story for demonkind and slave FREEDOM >:D

(and the wholesome romance story between Deathpolca and Lily 💗)

The best part of this game was the music, loved the two main battle themes (OVERDOSE and Contact Material especially).

Character designs were mix (some good some indistinguishable) and the weird 'rain' scenes and shower scenes felt OTT for fanservice (SHIORI especially weirded me out for this).

Overall the story was pretty lackluster, with more time it may have done better but the overall message fell flat when u spend less than 10 minutes per character with NOT MUCH extra development coming after that. OH and Hinako connecting every girl's struggles to Ballet felt a little far stretched sometimes.

The Battle system was interesting but easily broken and felt far too easy even on the most difficult mode sadly...

Will I play the second game? If I wanted to be in pain, maybe... AND THAT PLAT WAS... Painfully slow to get 🤐