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A heartfelt love letter and much needed modernization of the JRPG genre. It doesn't move past the genre's more annoying conventions like a lack of player choice and some overdramatic sequences, but it's truly genuine in how it approaches the themes of trauma, loss, oppression, social justice, and love between friends.

Doesn't reach the highs of previous entries in the franchise but I loved the setting of Boston and the gunplay is significantly better than previous entries.

The original multiplayer coop shooter experience

Took everything the original did and made it better. The characters, settings, levels, guns, everything is immaculate.

It's definitely improved by leaps and bounds thanks to its continued labor of love from the developers after a disastrous launch. I came to the game very late in its life and enjoyed my time with it, but at some point you get bored and the planets start all looking and feeling the same. Its reach is longer than its grasp.

The best Assassin's Creed game that's not an Assassin's Creed game. You really only want to play this not for the story nor for the land gameplay, but instead purely for the thrilling and crunchy naval battles. It's a shame no game at this point in time has been able to equal Black Flag's incredible ship combat and its memorable bosses.

The best of the Souls series learns from the (few) mistakes of its predecessors to make for the best open world experience of any game ever. The first Souls game I finally "got" - everything clicked for how the games work for me. This actually made me go back and finally finish Dark Souls 3.

The original looter shooter, this was a blast playing with friends and absolutely miserable playing alone.

A high point for the series, which took everything the first game did well and did it better. Even more fun playing with friends and this time with a high degree of replayability - I beat the campaign multiple times.

One of the modern rougelike classics, its arcadey nature and quick dopamine hits keep you coming back for more. It's truly insane how broken some builds are, but that's part of the fun.

The original timesink, an RPG that struggles to make a compelling main story but whose true value lies in its world building, setting, and amazing sidequests. The system are the star.

Takes everything I loved about the first one and made it better, with even more tactical and strategic depth, but without feeling overwhelming. "Just one more run" is very real.

I have extremely fond memories of playing this coop growing up as one of the 360s launch titles. Its obviously an extremely flawed game but the idea of an RTS with direct control elements continues to be a compelling formula to this day. The Clean Wermacht myth perpetuation is unfortunate as it is inaccurate.

My favorite of the Dragon Age games and one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Especially for the time, it offered unparalleled depth and choice for an RPG, all in a package that was complex yet accessible for newcomers to the genre. The first time I romanced an NPC and greatly enjoyed the experience.

What can you really say about the game that took the world by storm? It's a janky, hacky, buggy mess in terms of gameplay, but its story and characters were so compelling it continues to be copied by newer games almost 20 years after its release.