This game caused me too many problems

Finished playing Mario Wonder.
Also played this game with my brother. This game was quite fun, I think the devs were high when making this. The elephant power up was good, drill was alright and bubble I didn’t really like, wished there were more power ups. Some of the levels were actually quite difficult which was nice but all the boss fights were quite easy unfortunately. Good game though, had fun.

Finished playing Judgment
Good game, the story was great and entertaining and the cast was alright too. While the combat was alright I feel like it could have been better. But quite good altogether.

Finished playing Batman Arkham Knight
Great game, most of the side missions were quite good and the graphics were amazing as well. I especially like shooting people in the Batmobile. One thing I would have like is to have a proper fight with all the side villains.

Finished playing Final Fantasy VII Remake
Story is quite nice but there are still a lot of questions that need to be answered, probably in the later in the games. Combat style I didn’t like initially but it grew on me I guess. The last fight was a little underwhelming for me but it’s good overall.

Finished playing Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order
The open world of this game I quite liked and the combat was pretty good as well. The story wasn’t exactly intriguing to me but it was a good game altogether (this is the first Star Wars content I have consumed).

Finished playing Outer Wilds.
Very fun game. At the start I didn’t know what I was doing but I soon found this very fun and entertaining. Great exploration game. (I was scared playing this game)

Finished playing Far Cry 3
Quite good game. Story is alright, vaas VA is very good. I’m kinda getting bored however of the same open world layout in most games. Good game overall.

Finally finished playing Nier Replicant.
This was great game to play. The combat was very fun, the plot and storyline was top-tier and the osts were good as well. Enjoyable from start to finish. However there were a few bad things. The ladder animation was a little annoying. The game was so easy even on hard mode. Another bad thing was the bosses. Many of them had cool designs but that was it. Most of them weren’t fun to play against, they weren’t really unique in any way, they just took a long time to kill so it was somewhat boring. I played all the different endings and ending E was my favourite, it was quite cool.

Finished playing Alan Wake Remastered
Interesting plot, combat was simple and easy to use and the storyline itself was nice. One of the few games I’ve played that’s a “horror” although I doubt many people would consider it to be horror lol. There wasn’t any boss type villains in this game which was a little sad and one thing I didn’t like is that it basically ended on a cliffhanger. But I guess that’s why there’s an Alan Wake 2.

Finished playing Witcher 3. At the start I thought the combat was a little clunky but I got used to it soon enough. So much content in this game and good content as well not those “collect 900 pebbles for a random trophy” thing. Great world building and graphics were good. One annoying thing was the loading times especially when you died, they were so long for some reason. Being able to do like 30 side quests within 2 hours of playing is a little overwhelming but I enjoyed most of them. The “bosses” weren’t all that interesting imo, most of them just had loads of health. Storyline was fun and interesting, it seemed I got one of the “good” endings (didn’t even know there were multiple). For a game named the wild hunt, it’s a bit surprising you hardly see em. I feel like they could’ve done a little more on the magic side of things but it was nice to use anyway. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the game.

Think I’ll be playing TLOU remastered next.


While the story was pretty generic, the combat was absolutely amazing and I liked the system they used where whenever you die you come back older. Sad that this game was very short, would love another game that is longer and have a more in depth story.

Finished playing TLOUR. The little intro at the start completely hooked me into the game. The story was great, definitely a good few scenes which hit hard and some of the side characters you meet along the way were cool as well. Theres definitely some things they could have improved on like during the winter arc it was a little boring, I would liked for Tommy to have a more prominent role and maybe a larger variety of infected. I didn’t mind the combat and the ending was actually quite nice as well, was even a little controversial. Altogether I definitely had a fun time and would have like the game to have been a little longer.

Next up – Shadow of the Collosus

Finished playing Shadow of the Colossus.

The visuals of this game were absolutely amazing, even in the places where the land was barren and empty the graphics were still out of this world. The different settings where you fought the bosses looked stunning and the bosses themselves had some unique designs, I felt like my eyes were being blessed every time I played this game. That being said some of the bosses were very annoying to go against (especially 11th colossus) and it definitely made the game less enjoyable for me. Overall one of the best looking games I’ve played.

Idk what I’m gonna play next…

Finished playing Pokemon Platinum.

Very fun game, team galactic were cool but I feel like they weren’t as good as the teams in emerald and Cyrus was quite easy in all my battles against him. There was only one gym leader I had trouble against (which I can’t remember) but the person who I had most trouble with was Cynthia, beat her on my fourth try so she was fun to go up against (stupid garchomp). I feel like some cities were a little bland like snow point city but mount coronet was fun to explore. Altogether a great experience