this game made me feel like an idiot, also it was gonna get a 6 but i gave it a 7 cause the results screen music

i just have no urge to play this after the first few hours

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big daddies are still scary

Sucks until you get double finisher, bounding throws and komaki moves

after my 3rd playthrough i can say this is probably my game of the year, what an incredible game, the build variety is insane and going online and seeing a bunch of strange mechs is truly incredible, i don't think fromsoft can miss

i just lost motivation to play this, BUT dont let that stop you, this is an incredible game with music that fucking rocks, also very challenging, got to gorilla glacier so i think i have enough time with this game to rate it

the first halo game that was good front to back, arbiter is the goat

this game really drags towards the end

this game goes from a decent action game to the shittiest 3d platformer at the drop of a hat

The only lost judgment arcade game that didnt make me want to kill myself, pretty good

borderline unfair at times where it feels like you're the shitty enemy in the way of the player, but this game is raw as fuck

Easier than og mercenaries but still a ton of fun, if they keep all the characters for re5 mercenaries if they do a remake it might be the best re thing to exist

fun game, wish it got a pc port so i could change the fov