i just lost motivation to play this, BUT dont let that stop you, this is an incredible game with music that fucking rocks, also very challenging, got to gorilla glacier so i think i have enough time with this game to rate it

So far I’ve only done one ending, but after finishing it i’m definitely doing the other 2, just like the souls games i’d say theres at least 1 or 2 actually bad bosses here, once you get past a certain (awful) boss in chapter 4 it only gets better from there, fromsoft truly cannot miss

fun game, wish it got a pc port so i could change the fov

i just have no urge to play this after the first few hours

the final boss has the biggest shit eating grin ive ever seen

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The horse is working with ganon, he nearly got me killed so many times in the final battle

im only giving it a 5 because i'd drop to like negative frames whenever i'd get attacked and i didnt know how to fix it, anyways pretty cool game besides that but shit was so annoying so hopefully bfg edition fixes that, if i ever get to it

this game really drags towards the end

the last couple levels piss me off, also i think this game is overhyped, fun tho

dmc 2 levels of shit bosses, cool scarf tho

im a baby so i dont think i'll go back to this but it was pretty crazy

this game goes from a decent action game to the shittiest 3d platformer at the drop of a hat

nothing sandwich of a game, i liked the ending though (cutscenes not gameplay)

borderline unfair at times where it feels like you're the shitty enemy in the way of the player, but this game is raw as fuck