about paulo

[Favorite Game]
Just too special for me.
[Best Soundrack]
Has that mystical and magical aura and I love it. Honorable mention to Ys VIII.
[Best Villain]
She's a bitch, but I love her.
[Haven't played but wants to]
My PC can't run it :(
[You Like But Everyone Hates]
Not everyone hates it, but the fandom is certainly divided on this one.
[You Don't Like Too Much But Everyone Loves]
Just a wasted potential all around. Doesn't feel like Danganronpa to me and around half of it has horrendous writing.
[Best Art Style]
The first game that has this cute chibi art style I love so much.
[Best Ending]
First piece of media that actually made me cry. There were some others after it, but the first one just hits harder.
[Worst Ending]
Literally offensive. What the hell do you want from me, Kodaka?
[Best Boss Fight]
The Keiki boss fight is something I will never forget. It's just perfect, in context, characterization, design, and her theme is, to this day, my favorite vgm track.
[Childhood Game]
Love it and still play it to this day.
[Relaxing Game]
Playing this with friends is very fun.
[Stressful Game]
Specifically the combo trials.
[Game You Always Come Back to]
Even when I stop playing it, I can't run from it.
[Guilty Pleasure]
Still play it once in a full moon, fun for a little bit, gets boring afterwards until I take a break from it, rinse and repeat.
[Spent a Lot of Hours in]
I practiced a lot, but still can't beat Lunatic... I'm fucking incompetent.
[Game You Once Liked But Hate Now]
Liked it a lot when I was a kid, nowadays it just feels like a boring and dated game.
[Worst Game]
There is no game I hate more than this one, and I doubt there will ever be.
[Game you are not interested in/will never play]
lol. lmao, even.
[Will Finish it Someday]
I wish I could, but my PC can't run it.
[I will play this someday]
[Biggest letdown]
Even if I really liked it, it was still not what I expected. Shion is just too annoying.
[Best Fighting Game]
Love the defensive and offensive mechanics, the characters are good and the gameplay is really fluid.
[Best Gameplay]
I could play this for 30h with no breaks and still not be tired of it, that's how good it is.
[Best Glitch]
Tendinitis wins


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