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JRCT3E followed MelosHanTani

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11 days ago

JRCT3E completed Fallout
i'm not gonna bother to write a full Fallout 1 Is Garbage And Here Is Why-style review for what is an overrated game so here are my notes:

- character creation is so easy to fuck up because of how unbalanced it is. you can make a run more excruciating if you dont put enough points in agility, meanwhile endurance is just fucking useless, and how is charisma a dump stat when speech is one of the most important skills in the game???????
- inventory management and item use is so clunky and restrictive. good luck finding the right spot to use your rope
- have fun being softlocked in small rooms because your dog npc blocks the doorway. have fun opening doors anyway if it doesn't face the screen
- side quests are not marked in your status screen. these side quests are way more important to get basically essential loot ( e.g. power armor). they are also really easy to miss
- the game is honestly so glitchy if this was a bethesda game there would be gamer rage. questimportant npcs can die if you like leave the room. its exacerbated on modern computers. i had frequent mouse locks
- the time limit is annoying. not big enough to be important but still an unneccessary source of unknown stress for new players. why is it there?
- i found it kinda annoying that new vegas only gives you new perks every 2 levels. then fallout 1 gives you perks every THREE. FUCKING THREE. with levelling up being so goddamn slow its fuckyoutown
- the tone is way more serious and less tongue in cheek. for me personally too serious, i really miss having elvis impersonators and wacky social experiments. then it turned out you get humor at random encounters? didnt hbomb fucking lambast fallout 3 for doing that??????
- backtracking is annoying because you can move the camera past your characters but if you click on a space characters wont go there. theyll onky go if your camera contains your characters
- you will straight up not know what item to use on a thing unless you read a guide. have fun alt-tabbing while figuring out how to disable the force-fields in the middle of a countdown. AND THEN THE SOLUTIONS DONT WORK ANYWAY BECAUSE FUCK YOU.

well fuck you too fallout 1. anyone who says this hasn't aged to others with way less free time and more choice in other good games should be shot in the head vegas-style to induce amnesia and then forced to figure out how this game works without guides. for all the rest who do respect their time, go to fallout new vegas.

12 days ago

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