Persona 5 was already my favorite game of all time. Royal has everything I love about the original game, while adding to and expanding upon it. On top of that, the additional content is some of the best content in the game. Easy 20/10

I honestly adore this game. The incredible aesthetic brought me in and held strong throughout. Both the art and the music are god-tier. The gameplay loop ended up being surprisingly addictive. The battle system isn't the most complex, but it had enough to hold my interest and keep me having fun during the whole playthrough. The same could be said for the story and characters. It's not a groundbreaking masterpiece of storytelling, but I ended up really growing attached to the characters and being invested in the story. My only complaint is that the ending could have been fleshed out a bit more.

Some really great parts, but it's age shows pretty badly in some places. It has a lot of jank that can be pretty frustrating at times, but most the time it's not too bad. The music is great and the story is well worth experiencing, even if the gameplay drags at times. Overall, a pretty good experience.

A great experience I would highly recommend. It's incredible at making you feel the paranoia of the main character and making you question what is real or not. Confusing in just the right way throughout until it all comes together in the end. I really loved the climax, one of the best I've experienced.
Characterwise, it is absolutely carried by the main character. The other characters aren't bad, but aside from Rimi and Nanami, there aren't really any standouts. But Takumi really steals the show and he alone could make Chaos;Head worth it. His voice performance is honestly one of the best I've ever heard.
There's a lot I love about Chaos;Head and not really anything I particularly dislike. The complaints I do have are less things that are wrong and more things that could be made better.

tl;dr: Everything about this game rules, play it.
This game was an incredible experience for me as a new fan, coming right off the heels of 4. I can only imagine how gratifying it must have been for long term fans after over a decade and a less than beloved remake. Out of the games in this series that I have played, I can firmly say this one is by far my favorite.
The gameplay is really fun. Lady and Trish aren't playable, but with the addition of Vergil from the Special Edition series, there is a great variety in gameplay styles available. Dante, Dead Weight, V and Vergil all play pretty different from one another in terms of basic moveset and they all have unique elements to their gameplay on top of that. A game with a single one of these playstyles available would already be great and have a lot of depth to it's combat (especially Dante), but having all four in one game is just amazing. As of writing this review, I've only really beat the main story and messed around a little in bloody palace, but I know there's still so much more fun left to squeeze out of it. Unlocking more moves for everyone, clearing bloody palace, beating the whole game as Vergil, beating the game on harder difficulties, getting the collectables I missed, improving my mission rankings and just having fun styling on enemies. This game is easier than 3 and 4, which may be a downside for some people. But for me personally, I don't mind that at all. If anything, I honestly prefer it. Basically all my problems with the previous games' gameplay have been smoothed out and everything controls nearly perfectly. Basically my only complaints with the gameplay are that some bosses aren't as good as others, and I wish Nero had a way to switch arms during combat without destroying the currently equipped one.
The story and writing of this game have everything I loved about 3 and 4 and more. Dante is as wacky wahoo and fun as ever, Nero's angst and too cool for school attitude are handled perfectly and V is a great addition to the cast, balancing out the other two very well. The main antagonist is by far the best out of the DMC games I've played and the climax of the story is on par with DMC 3's.
The presentation is top tier. The music is absolutely fantastic. And honestly a big reason for me picking up the series as a whole. Devil Trigger and Bury the Light are the obvious standouts, but Crimson Cloud also grew on me as I played. Subhuman is lacking compared to the other battle themes but it's not terrible and can be switched out for the other themes or older DMC songs. The visuals are also stunning. This game obviously has an advantage over the older games in the graphics, being much newer. But still, I can't not mention how great they look. And they're used very well to present a wonderfully SSStylish game.

Miss this lil nigga ever since I switched browsers

I played this the day it came out with no idea what to expect, and as such had a decent time on the ride. The twist is neat, but the actual story barely exists. It basically achieves the bare minimum to allow the twist to happen. Had there been a full VN under the gimmick, I think it could have been something great. But as it is now, it relies entirely on it's shock value. If you've been spoiled on it, it's not really worth reading. If you somehow haven't been by now, I'd say it's worth it, since it's so short.

Muv-Luv Alternative punched me in the throat, kicked me in the stomach down a flight of stairs, caught me at the bottom and then piledrove me through a window. It was the greatest experience of my life.
Read Muv-Luv.

Amazing work that stands on it's own as a great story. But as a bonus, it's also build up to peak fiction.

Wonderful game, I'd recommend it to anyone. Very fun and charming writing with equally fun and charming gameplay.

I love this game so much, I don't care what anyone says. I love the characters, I love the story, I love the aesthetic, I love the gameplay. One of my favorite games period. I waited a long time for it to release after beating 4 and it was more than worth it.

The greatest episode of Scooby Doo. Made me cry. Also has my favorite villain of all time.