This Atari 2600 Plug'n'Play by Jakk's Pacific has 10 games.
Adventure, Asteroids, Breakout, Centipede, Circus Atari, Gravitar, Missile Command, Pong, RealSports .Volleyball, Yar's Revenge.

The menu is real ugly, but functional.

Some of these games would normally be played with the paddle controller- odd choice for a plug'n'play of the joystick. All in all this is a good selection, and if you're just looking for something similar to the original Atari 2600 feel, this is not the worst way to go, but it's pretty old in itself by this point so there are definitely better ways to go.


GORF (Galactic Orbiting Robot Force) is a Fixed Shooter, same as Galaga, Galaxian, Space Invaders, etc. The difference is that Gorf has the best name because Gorf sounds hilarious. Which, for the record, Gorf is just Frog backwards- and Frog was a nickname given to programmer Jamie (then Jay) Fenton.
Also, Gorf was originally meant to be a game for Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

Gorf is pretty cool.


Bloons 5 and 6 are very similar, enough so that my review of them is the same.

Basically among the best Tower Defense games around.

The Mario Party series is, mostly, really great and a ton of fun.
The first one? Well. I liked it at the time, but there is absolutely no reason to go back to this.

Do you want to play a Mechwarrior style game but on the Atari Jaguar?! Well, you can!
Iron Soldier is definitely an attempt. It does nothing that you can't do significantly better in Mechwarrior 2 from just a year later, or even the 3rd in the Iron Soldier series on the PS1.
But if you're a fan of the Atari Jaguar, this is a serviceable take on the style.

You came to the reviews of BUBSY on the ATARI JAGUAR. What the hell are you expecting?

It's bad. It's unremarkably bad, to be honest. It does absolutely nothing notable outside of the usual Bubsy problems- he wants nothing more than to run at the speed of light into oncoming traffic because Bubsy enjoys two things : bad puns, and trying to off himself.

A fighting game made by, I can only assume, people who had never played a fighting game and just read about one in a magazine.

Ever wanted to play Kirby but in a way that can make your eyes hurt? WELL DO WE HAVE NEWS FOR YOU!

Gather round, kiddies, and let me tell you about the time I pre-ordered Starcraft: Ghost and then found out that it wasn't going to ever be released... and then the store I pre-ordered it from closed.

Fast forward 15ish years and an unfinished (understatement) version of the game leaked and I finally got to see what could have been!

You play as Nova, the "Ghost" (military with telekinetic abilities, in short) in a 3rd person stealth/action shooter.
Giving the benefit of the doubt - the version of the game we can see was a work in progress - but it really does look like it was shaping up to be a game I was not going to particularly enjoy. Did 2006 really need another Metal Gear Solid/Syphon Filter/Tom Clancy style game? I guess we'll never know, but that's definitely what it almost got.

Like pretty much all Cinematic Platformers, Nosferatu can feel slow. Very slow.

Some of the puzzles will take you a few tries, and you probably will die in annoying ways many times. I highly recommend trying this on an emulator where you can either use save states or have a rewind function unless you're really into the grind - but it's a fairly solid choice for the genre.

Everyone else has already covered - the Guy Game has explicit video of a girl who was underage at the time.

But have you ever played the game? Because it's also the single most poorly made trivia game you could possibly imagine. How do you fuck up a TRIVIA GAME? It is so. Unbearably. Slow.

Poorly made, and obviously poorly performed background checks. This shit is embarrassing.

Mid-2000's stoner humor packed into an artificially difficult platformer : apparently that's what the indie world wanted back in 2010 because Super Meat Boy exploded in popularity.

But that didn't mean it was any good. Honestly the characters alone are enough for this to not get a great rating. I'll give it 2 stars for briefly making tough platforming popular again.

Pokémon Sun/Moon literally never stops feeling like a tutorial.

There's a difference between teaching children and newcomers to how it all works, and holding your hand to the point of basically being a visual novel.

The atmosphere is 5/5, brilliant.

The time mechanic, and playing hide and seek with the dumb kids at the beggining, is 1/5. Best I can give you is 2.
But a great thing about the Zelda series is that there is so much variety that there is something for just about everyone - this one just isn't for me.

Genuinely would have enjoyed this more workout the philosophical meandering. Just accept that "basic task with intentionally bad controls" is a genre and move on.