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A true masterpiece of a game. It is not only my favorite game in the Halo franchise but is my favorite game of all time. The campaign story of the tragic tale of Noble Team is near perfection and sends out the Bungie Halo games with a bang. Each member of Noble team is iconic in their own right and serves their purpose with unique personalities and what they bring to Noble Team. The armor designs of each member also work with each members skill sets and personality. The mission design is almost perfect apart from one or two mishaps (Long Night of Solace on Legendary to be exact). The soundtrack is phenomenal with a blend of exhilarating, dramatic songs while also containing somber tones. It perfectly resembles the losing battle Noble Team and the UNSC forces on reach are fighting. Graphics still hold up and look incredible on both Xbox and on PC with the Master Chief Collection. While multiplayer is lacking in terms of core mechanics (Armor abilities were hit or miss and bloom is divisive), the custom game scene is the best it has been in Halo and the armor customization and progression system is incredible and rewarding. The sandbox did lose very iconic vehicles and weapons like the Chopper, Prowler, Oliphant, Battle Rifle, Mauler, etc but it made up for the losses with great vehicles and weapons being added such as the Falcon, DMR, Grenade Launcher, Plasma Launcher, Concussion Rifle, etc. While the servers were still up on the original game, it constantly gave players something to work towards. Unfortunately, this system hasn't been replicated by other Halo games and other online multiplayer games in general. This is my favorite game of all time and will never be topped. #RememberReach (Also Noble 6 is alive in a cave)

The perfect end to the original trilogy of the Halo franchise. Leaves every character and arc with a satisfying conclusion. The level design is vast and unique with each mission (apart from Cortana) being extremely fun to play. Soundtrack gives many callbacks to the original games with remastered tracks and brings many new iconic tracks as well. Graphics are still very good for a game that came out in 2007. Multiplayer is still as good as it always has been with each map and weapon in the sandbox being very fun, unique and complimenting one and another. It does not get much better than this in a video game.

A true icon in gaming history. A perfect action and hack and slash game. Tough as nails, gritty, and brutal action leaves players to learn and adapt with the games combos and mechanics. Combat is fluid and rewarding with well timed attacks and defense. The main glaring flaw is the bane of most early 3D games, the camera. Alongside the problems of the camera, move registration and lock-on can occasionally be wonky (specifically with the Flying Swallow) but is not very noticeable. Level and enemy design is almost perfect (Temple chapter with mummies, Water level with swimming, and the Ice chapter is just boring). The soundtrack is a perfect blend of a stealthy ninja movie and a cinematic thriller tone. Story is lacking but doesn't need to be as fleshed out due to the gameplay more than making up for it. Characters are fine and serve their purpose. Ryu is a serious no-nonsense character who has simple and determined goals. Rachel leaves more to be desired as a side character. Ninja Gaiden Black retains its identity from the classic 2D arcade games while evolving into the 3D scene. A true gamers game. Izuna Drop is the best thing in gaming.

PEAK FUCKING FICTION!!! plae dee emm cees too, guut gam beast gam :) donte is good and bets in geame pls play ghame

This is quite literally the worst game I have ever played. This is genuinely unplayable. Fuck this game.

Really solid Metroidvania esque game. Platforming is fun and engaging and enemies are fun to fight. Decent amount of challenge. Almost a 5 star game but is pretty linear and repetitive at times. Overall, solid entry to the franchise. Capcom please make another Strider game.

Solid arcade experience. Pretty easy, but is a good game to experience for an hour and move on. Solid OST, good level design. Pixel art looks amazing and Strider looks incredible. Enjoyable for what it is worth.

I'll finish the game and change this review eventually, but so far it's alright. It is outclassed by its predecessors however.

Brockworth Court is a Tudor house in the village of Brockworth, Gloucestershire, England. It is a Grade II* listed building.[1]

The original house was granted to Llanthony Secunda Priory in the 12th Century and remained as a Priors residence until the dissolution of the monasteries in 1540 when it was granted to the Guise family by Henry VIII. It was altered and extended in the 18th and 19th centuries.[1] There is also a tithe barn dating from pre-Tudor times. Henry VIII and his second wife Anne Boleyn are noted as having visited in August 1535.[2]

Brockworth Court was inhabited by John Guise, the new Lord of the Manor, in 1540. Brockworth Court Tithe Barn was built in about the 13th century, with its size indicative the wealth of the Lord of the Manor at the time, Llanthony Priory.[3]

The Tithe Barn was almost completely destroyed by fire in 1996 and rebuilt using traditional materials and methods. The restoration work was granted an award by the CPRE. The Tithebarn hosts a number of wedding celebrations and the gardens for photographs. The gardens are also open on certain days for the NGS.

Brockworth Court Tithe Barn
Nearby Brockworth Mill and Mill Farm were situated at the intersection of Mill Lane and Horsbere Brook. The Domesday Book records a corn mill in Brockworth. When the Witcombe reservoir was built in 1863 the mill stopped working and fell into neglect.[3]

The gardens at Brockworth Court are part of the National Gardens Scheme and are open to the public on selected days in May, June and September. There is an admission charge and home-made teas are available in the tithe barn. A tour of the house is available for groups of ten or more.[4]

This is the best introduction to the survival horror genre. Let me give some background to me, I am a complete pussy when it comes to the horror genre and I absolutely loved this game. I played through this game as Jill, which makes the game easier as she can carry more items than Chris. It instills a perfect feeling of terror and isolation with its atmosphere and level design. The puzzles are tricky and will require a walkthrough sometimes but are fun and intriguing. Jumpscares work because they aren't just instant deaths and give you a chance to defend yourself, which makes it more terrifying in my opinion. Enemies are fun to fight and have awesome designs. I absolutely love all of the lore and facts I learned about the Spencer Mansion throughout the playthrough. The soundtrack isn't your typical soundtrack as it serves more for the atmosphere. The save room is an awesome song and was stuck in my head the entire playthrough. The characters are very cool and create a feeling of a team exploring something new and terrifying together. This game has a learning curve but once you get the hang of it, it becomes a very fun game to play. Cannot wait to scream my lungs out while playing Resident Evil 2.

This game served its purpose at the time and revolutionized not only the survival horror genre but video games as a whole. That being said, it hasn't aged well in some areas (voice acting and soundtrack are awful lol) and the remake outclasses it in every aspect; so this game is really only worth playing for the novelty. However, today it's a decent game to playthrough.

This is how you make a modernized version of an old game. The gameplay is PHENOMENAL, it has never been so fun to blow the brains out of zombies. Every weapon is balanced in its own regard with ammo availability, weapon strength, time to kill etc. The graphics are stunning and the environment of an apocalyptic Raccoon City is mesmerizing to look at. The map is intricate and serves as a great adaptation of the original. I love how even though it is more action orientated, you still aren't invincible and need to use your resources with care otherwise you will struggle in the later parts of the game. Mr. X is an absolute nightmare with how his AI works, you will never feel safe as he is constantly lurking around in hopes to surprise you. Simply brilliant design by Capcom. The boss fights are really enjoyable which is something that I cannot say for every TPS. I hope Resident Evil 3 (the original not the remake cause it sucks) will be able to live up to the bar set by the Resident Evil 1 and 2 remakes.

This is a really good sequel to the original. Solid soundtrack, gameplay and action. Just like with Resident Evil 1 however, the remake overshadows the original in so many aspects. It is still worth playing as it differs from the remake in some areas, however I will say the remake is my recommended choice for people first playing.

Unfortunately, this game for me is the worst of the original trilogy of Resident Evil games on the PlayStation. It truly feels like a spinoff side game that was converted over to a main line entry with the bare minimum substance. It has its moments but if it weren't for Nemesis, this game would have been quite boring. I understand that they were trying to capture the chaotic nature of a burning, apocalyptic city run down by zombies, however it really isn't executed well and it just becomes a pretty linear, claustrophobic experience. Action is good, about as good as Resident Evil 2 in terms of core mechanics, but due to the map design in Resident Evil 2, it feels better in Resident Evil 2 than it does here. Nemesis is the best aspect of this game by far. If Nemesis wasn't in this game it would have been a far worse game. Nemesis is infinitely more threatening than Mr. X in Resident Evil 2 as he can tank through just about anything you throw at him. He is a great challenge and makes this game so much more terrifying. "Starssss" will forever be stuck in my head. His design is so raw and his intelligence makes him such a terrifying creation. The rest of the game is your typical Resident Evil game, good soundtrack and questionable voice acting. Wish the remake would have improved upon this game but unfortunately it ends up somehow being worse than this game. Overall, not a bad game but a disappointing end to the original trilogy.

This review is purely for the PC port of the game. It looks good, however it has many issues. It crashed numerous times, screenshots would slow down the game ever so slightly. I even broke the game and got this glitch:

Overall, another horrible pc port from Capcom.