Maybe I should have started with The Dark Project...

In my journey of going through the stealth titans that isn't MGS or Tenchu, this felt more like a stealth sim out of the genre in 1998.

The way levels are laid out remind me a lot of Tenchu as in: go where ever when ever you can if you know the levels enough. I'd say Thief is even more open ended compare to Tenchu 1. You can lose yourself pretty easily for most levels. Can I just say, more stealth games need pickpocketing?

Of course, there's some pretty crappy levels, some added by Gold. Seriously, you just got done with a good couple of come & go missions then BOOM you get shit like Down In The Bonehoard and Thieves' Guild. But the good outweigh the bad easily. Though, the game didn't really need more levels added with Gold.

Other criticisms parallel my Tenchu 1 ones which is basically: "stealth good, combat bad" which isn't as bad in Thief 1 cuz there aren't bosses to force the bad combat down your throat every level.

Pretty good! Just needs more thieving in my Thief.

Its alright/good (when playing the japanese version.) If you hated 2's gimmicky levels, there's way less of that there. Hate 1's difficulty? Hmmm..... Its still there kind of, but one major thing is enemies don't respawn.
Bosses are a lot easier I felt. Still a hard game, but not as hard as NG1..... or I would say if it weren't for the timer. With later levels, I felt like I always timeout until I die to start over from the last section TO the boss with more time left.

So yeah. Better than 2, still not as cool as 1 I felt, which is fine. For the love of god, avoid the pure american release if you don't want NG3 Ryu Must Die mode

Could've been cool if it wasn't rushed. Maybe the whole game wouldn't run underwater and a bunch of other QOL stuff. Maybe. Possibly. Just a hunch.

The game is easier than melting ice with a volcano, but it's fun to play devil's advocate when you bring up various features later sequels expand upon. Just piss people off for fun

Not the biggest fan of the combat or MK fan in general but.... this kinda fun doe

Pretty decent reboot which is saying a lot in the era of Capcom it spawned from. Too bad they didn't care about the steam port which crashes constantly on my machine™ and I had to download linux related dlls to fix.

It's a metroidvania which to be honest, I straight up forgot til nearing the game's end. Just played it like any old Strider.

Not much to upgrades. Making it exploration based in general I felt didn't fit.

But overall, it's alright.

Piss easy and some pretty bland levels til the end, but it's competent and still enjoyable.
I don't know if it's just me but I wish some attention was paid with the gameplay elements and scenery cuz they all sort of blend in (by that, I mean the spikes can be hard to see in some stages.)
The weapon system is cool and I wish the Flame-only sections were more like the final stages.

's okay.

's fine I guess. It doesn't feel too bad to play plus all the characters you have (and unlock) are wildy different. But I ain't a fan of this Token junk at all. Gotta stretch that 100% length somehow. Enemy variety is eh... and bosses can get their asses torn apart by Marian so that's funny. Comboing can be fun but it's also one of those "one combo fits all" (as I like to call it) where you do the same one for everything.

Also not a fan of the way the in-game style looks. It's a step above reusing DD2 nes' sprites again but... I wish it were something more akin to river city girls. I think it fits the game's promo-art more than this weird bobble-headed, not-chibi style.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind this being DD4 as okay as I found this. Just a tad disappointing as far as beat em up revivals go.