The best expansion in the series. Ties up a lot of loose ends from the main story, and it goes places any longtime Xenoblade fan is bound to lose their mind over.


Cried four times while playing this.

I have bad asthma so the Fawful Express boss was mean.


Very much a quarter-munching game of its time with some bullshit here and there, but its replay value is beyond compare. The game's no more than an hour long on a typical playthrough, but there's so many secrets and weapons scattered throughout that it encourages you to hold onto that nifty weapon in hopes of finding something even crazier. The pixel art and music are fantastic. There's a reason I've been seeing and hearing it for so many years. This is the most video game-y video game I've played in quite some time, and I eagerly anticipate revisting it in the future.

Mario Kart 8 on Wii U was fantastic, but as an enhanced rerelease, I wish more of an effort was made to distinguish itself from base game. That's changing now with the reveal/release of the Booster Course Pass, but they could've taken things just a step further by providing a more solid character roster, in-depth game mode customization, and more tracks. Despite these complaints, if you've yet to play 8/8 Deluxe, change that. It's still a fantastic game, and you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you haven't gotten it yet.

Future titles might surpass it in terms of characters, stages, and the sort, but Brawl is still the most satisfying game in the series to chip away at over an extended period of time. Unlockables feel truly earned, popping up in places you least expect.


Best DLC expansion I've ever played.