It's nothing special, but fun with friends, I usually give 6/10 to games that fit this.

It's nothing special, but fun with friends, I usually give 6/10 to games that fit this.

The best game I've ever played. Honestly surprising, I didn't expect this to be my type. However, as soon as I set foot in Yharnam, I was hooked. The level of depth, both in lore and in gameplay, is as indescribable as the great ones. All the three endings are extremely intelligent and the subtle narrative that culminates into them is extremely interesting. Both the general theme of the work and the art style exude personality. However, as much as I speak, words do not do justice to this masterpiece. If you have the means to do so, play, even if souls-like games never caught your eye.
By the way, I will probably publish a more detailed review in the future.

Some logic challenges with moderate difficulty. Nothing much, just a good pastime.

Some funny minigames. Nothing more than a passtime

I don't even remember this game so well, but as it's a PSP Buzz I'll give it the same rating as the rest.

Buzz is SO much more fun in this format. It is extremely fun to do the quizzes with family or friends, and the humorous tone of the game only makes it even better.

Meh. Typical online FPS. It doesn't do anything particularly wrong, but it's also not like it risks in doing something new.

Typical COD, at a time when the genre was not yet saturated. And at a time when they had not yet given up hiring writers.

The success of this is still a mystery to me. It is one of the most uninspired games ever, and all its value is due more to the community.

The talent and effort put into making this game is unbelievable. Difficult challenges, yes, but almost always fair, as well as almost always ... No ... Always fun. It exudes personality.

Good writing in general, except for some problems at the end. However ... Poor and unnecessary gameplay. Seriously, most of the time the gameplay does NOT complement the experience at all (in some cases it even spoils).

EXTREMELY fun to play with friends. However, I can't give it a higher rating due to the fact that it starts to get tired... I think that this is due to how OP the survivors are, it is easy to win most of the time, unless the player who is in monster is a god.

David Cage is probably the Shakespeare of our generation. Incredible game, extremely beautiful message, sublime and simply brilliant, I cried 5 times and had 3 anxiety crysis. A masterpiece. A lifestyle. A God.