Played it ages ago but I still know its goated

Really fun with a banging ost

Atmosphere of this game is insanely good. The city isn't really futuristic, it's still full of modern day infrastructure. Instead it's unnatural cleanliness and bright colours are what make it feel futuristic and I think that's super interesting. Kinda lost that in the sequel

More HL2, not quite as good as either of the other games tho

Really interesting plot that I think gets overshadowed by the trash online scene

i'm not in to horror games but this game is just overall a work of art. idk how sega have never made anything like it since

Really fun and I just wish it was ported to pc. So sad they shut down the servers. no i'm not buying a switch

Fantastic cross between sts and mtg. Beautiful art and music

Truly one of the best games every made. The fact that despite it's many flaws it's still easily the best game i've ever played is testament to that

Easier than I thought but still a lot of fun

Revolutionary at the time, but doesn't hold up today quite up as much as its sequel.

Unique and very fun, until the late game difficulty spike which is just insane. Feels like amazing potentional not fully capitalised upon.

Might play again at some point but as far as I could tell this game isn't great