Okay, I'm not sure how to start this review, because I absolutely adore this game, but it has its slew of problems that prevent me from calling it perfect

Let's start there. The gameplay is unintuitive. You're constantly getting bogged down by the limited inventory space. They give the bosses health bars, but the fights almost always end before the bar is depleted, so why bother giving them health bars in the first place? The final area has enemies with attack that takes out a fat chunk of your health and is completely unavoidable. and they make you do MATH.

But oh my god, this game's charm is through the roof. The visuals are like nothing I've ever seen, from things like fun battle backgrounds to oddly smooth sprite animations to full 3D models of the protag and Busdriver. And it's the same with the audio too. This game's soundtrack is spectacular, almost every song is something memorable. Songs like VS Nout and Meet Your New Coworkers been stuck in my head for weeks now.

The story is nonsensical. Like, I get that people like to make the joke "quirky earthbound inspired RPG" to describe games like these, but games that get this descriptor, like Undertale and Omori still have a meaningful and structured story. But this game is weird from head to toe, and the story reflects that. It doesn't feel like you're part of the story, it feels like you're getting dragged around by it. (Which also kind of reflects the protag's feelings I feel). But somehow I still found myself falling in love with the characters HARD. They're all so normal despite the world they live in being so, so weird. Except for the burger boss of course, that guy is just weird all around. I can't describe to you how happy Dolus' oddball shtick makes me.

I'm not really sure how to end this review. I'm so in love with this game's world and its characters and, even though the game itself could use some improvements, it's an experience I won't forget and already find myself wanting to replay.

A very solid and well-made RPG! Main characters and the world they live in are silly, but fleshed out surprisingly well. Faye, Ian, and Briff are all extremely lovable and the way they're written is ridiculously fun. The battle system is simple enough on its own but what really fleshes it out is the amount of character classes and skills the game gives you. The diversity is great, I found myself switching between classes from the start of the game all the way to the end, adjusting my character's loadouts along with new mods I gathered. The game encourages you to explore with incentives in the form of battles with some really cool extra-challenging bosses. Speaking of challenge, the game stays at a reasonable difficulty all the way through, with each new enemy giving you trouble in unique ways.

If I had one gripe with this game it would be that the dungeon layouts are needlessly confusing. This is partially because I'm shit with directions but I found myself getting mixed up in areas like the Tonewood Forest and Mutilla's Base because of the amount of routes that branched into themselves.

But still, incredibly solid RPG all the way through, I want to be besties with Platinum Scrumptious.

pretty much has everything a good rhythm game needs
the gameplay is simple but fun, and the music is good, better than I was expecting tbh
the more difficult stages and extra challeges you unlock after beating them adds to the replay value

the "story" is very silly, but more in an annoying way than a fun way, i found myself wanting to skip the cutscenes pretty often

play ghost trick play ghost trick play ghost trick play ghost trick play ghost trick play ghost trick play ghost trick play ghost trick play ghost trick

I'm very normal and beat this game 3 times over the span of a month. I think this is the best game in the series (so far, Pikmin 4 is out in 30 days and its lookin gooooood)

The game is a solid turn-based RPG, I really enjoyed the mechanic of being able to swap your 'Software" (this game's versions of spells) on the fly mid-battle.

The sprite animations are amazing, that's what drew me towards the game in the first place and yeah they stay amazing throughout the entire game.

The story is simple, not the deepest or most well-written plot in the world, but it's not bad at all.
I think the game's biggest flaw is how short it is. There are 4 major bosses, one of which comes only minutes before the final boss and each "dungeon" is only a few rooms long. The battle system is enjoyable without a doubt, but the game is so short that it feels like you're missing out on all that could've been done with it.

Probably the most half-and half game I’ve ever played

the gameplay was fun during the first two hours but the loop of having to collect emblems to progress the story became a total chore- fishing with Big for an hour or two became way more enjoyable than running around the map. I beat the game but I didn’t get the “true” ending. I can see myself playing enough to go back and get it, but not right now.

The cutscenes were mostly stiff and awkward but had a few cute moments. I played the game after the first free update released- the one that added a music player, I think the game would’ve been unbearable if I had to listen to the default music the whole time.

The best parts of the game were easily the combat and the bosses. A good way to describe it is simple but fun. All of the enemies have their own unique way that you have to fight them, once you figure that out beating em is no problem, but still satisfying. And then the bosses ramp that feeling up to ten. Once I figured out what I was doing, going super sonic and whaling on giant robos was easy, but godDAMN was it a good spectacle. Before I played frontiers, I’ve heard other people praise the music nonstop and yeah, they were right, those tracks go crazy, and make the boss battles feel even more amazing.

All in all, the game has a lot of flaws, but it’s pretty fun despite that. I still think sonic fans deserve better, but this game definitely has its moments.

I'm a huge kirby fan, one of my favorite game series of all time and this is the first time I think I've ever felt like, an emotional attachment to a remake because I remember playing the original return to dreamland when it came out.

the new art style is great, the game looks great and i love the bold outlines around the characters. dedede redesign number #570 is weird but whatev.
I didnt realize just how long it would take to fully beat this game when i started. kirby games are usually 'easy to beat, hard to complete' and thats what I love about them but holy crap there's a lot in this game. at first you think its just the story mode, the magolor epilogue and the missions to complete in mago land. but then there's an extra harder story mode, and once you do all 1oo(!) magoland missions they drop an extra 20 on you, and then the two arenas on top of that, this game makes you work for your completion.

oh yeah and the music is a 10/10 too. the soundtrack is the same as the original im pretty sure but playing it again made me realize just how many bangers there are, this might beat out forgotten land and 64 for my favorite kirby OSTs now.

some small cons tho, i'm not a big fan of the ultra ability gimmick, it looks cool but its usually just "press B to win"
the another dimension segments afterward are very very cool though, and i wish other kirby games would do something like it

another small complaint is with the extra mode; the idea of a harder story mode is great, but having to collect all of the gear pieces again seems excessive, i think it wouldve been more fun if i couldve put all my focus on just completing the level

anyway yeah this review is getting long so ill just say I FUCKING LOVE KIRBY!!!! THIS GAME RULES!!!!

ok so i beat the game, as in i paid off the debt and got to the credits, so now i’m at the point of the game where (i think?) all that’s left to do is explore the holes, but the problem is that i don’t really enjoy the dungeons a lot? which is a problem considering a Lot of the game is dedicated to them

the dungeons vary wildly in difficulty and the game doesn’t give you much warning on what’s inside the dungeons before you go in, and sometimes you’ll get stuff thrown at you that you’ve never seen before. It wouldnt be as bad if you could just go back in if you die but you have to take a whole day to get back all your pikmin and it’s even worse if you’ve lost purple and white pikmin, it’s so time-consuming to build up those counts

It sucks that 8 don’t feel like i beat the game bc i know how much of the game is in those dungeons. Overall i’m a liiittle disappointed by pikmin 2, it has a drastically different pace from 1 that didn’t really vibe with me from the start

maybe i’ll pick it up again and maybe i’ll change my mind but i’m kinda demotivated from playing it right now