Took the best parts from the previous 2 games and made a masterpiece

Having gacha elements in a full priced game is wild

One of the craziest plot twists in gaming

This game is cute, y'all are just mean

I will be keeping Gale as a pet

I really like the gameplay and mechanics of this one, such as the resource management with the matches and lamp, along with managing fear, but the story felt like it lacked agency, which isn't good for a game that's trying to convince us we could turn into a monster at any time.

Great story, mind-numbingly boring gameplay

This is what survival horror should be

Very good main story and side quests with painfully boring exploration and open world. This game would benefit from cutting about half the extra content and making the map smaller. Despite all that, I do look on this fondly

Call me a little sister cause i need a big daddy in my life

portal with existential dread

One of the most fun and engaging (if not way too easy) turn based combat systems being found in the south park game is crazy