Really solid soulslike, especially considering it was the first one not made by FS iirc. Has some issues but it's still good game, even if quite different than your typical "dark souls" experience.

The most frustrating platformer I played in a really long time. Screw the spamming bosses, screw low damage you deal, screw hitboxes, screw getting thrown off walls after each hit, screw this game honestly. 5/10

Alicia is a GOAT




GRIS is like an unique, beautiful shell - is a joy to look at, makes enjoyable noise, but is empty inside.

Triumph of form over content

I never played this genre before.

It is a masterpiece. This genre seems fun!

Probably the biggest disappointment I've ever experienced. It could be so good...

Didn't expect this to be the best CI Games title, but here we are.

It's ok but nothing interesting. Very short.

This game is far from being true soulslike, but still is good.

This is what W_D1 should be.


Had more fun with Skyrim, but it's good aswell.