I bought this for £15 from a bargain bin just for the bundled Wii Speak because I wanted to play Monster Hunter Tri online, I had no real idea what Animal Crossing even was.

Like someone played OG Doom a bunch as a kid, but instead of becoming uber popular it just vanished into obscurity, and they had to recreate it from hazy memory. They did pretty good! It's creepy and baffling and mean and fast.

Had a quick go on Ascension at a Glesgames where I didn't actually talk to anyone, enjoyed it a lot, picked it up with the intention getting good before I go again.

More of the same, but harder. I played through this a few times, and it's great, but I'd often get frustrated and go back to the first.

Really into how it looks and sounds, but the writing has aged badly (amirite) and it's just dead tedious.

Got to a boss battle which felt like an achingly slow and poorly-calibrated rhythm game, after a few false starts I got the hang of it only to be hit with an instakill move right at the end. If you're going to make me replay a fight, at least design it to be fun FFS.

Oh and it told me to "keep calm and carry on" AND I'm pretty sure there was a bear doing a Ricky Gervais impression. Bin.

All the little references are charming at first, but it soon devolves into a Peter Kay routine. Frustrating as hell to play too, off physics and the cast of Friends is in it but you can't kill them? Avoid.

My dad had this 286 PC with Windows 3.something, and every Sunday we'd wake him up and make him remove config.sys and autoexec.bat so it had enough memory to run Commander Keen. It was fiddly and tough but it felt like a grand adventure and we loved it. Then one evening I put the dust cover on the monitor but forgot to switch it off, and overnight it cooked itself to death. It was a while before there was another PC in the house.

Was looking forward to this after The Day We Found Earth, but the main character is a dick so

I really like this, it's frantic and tactical and makes me laugh, but it's hard to get a game on a GMT schedule unless you stay up til 2am to play with folk in the U.S.

Please come join me at the ugly bug brawl.

Like a long-lost 90s demo disk curio. Listen to the big floaty head, wrestle with the weird physics, collect the same spinning asset thousands of times. The simple blocky aesthetic and the dreamy ambient sound make for a surprisingly lovely place to zone out in. It's got cool jumps and shifting mazes and sound puzzles and generally more than I was expecting from it. Well worth a few quid for something pretty unique.

One of my very few Game Gear games. Cracking music. Always got stuck at the same point though, unable to pass a lava bit. I should probably try it again.

Cracking own-brand Lord Of The Rings simulator. Highly recommended, pick it up on your phone for a few quid.

A weird rampage through a perfectly formed litle world. Magic daft fun.

WTF was up with that end credits music