It's funny 'cause altough I am a great fan of the GoW franchise, I had never really played the game that started it all, God of War (2005), 'cause frankly, at this point the plot is so well-known that I never really felt the need to play it myself; but since I decided to sell my PS3, I wanted to finally try this one, and boy oh boy.
The game starts bad, gets good after it, gets REALLY good in the middle, and becomes atrocious in the final segment (slightly before acquiring Pandora's box, and until the end). It feels as if the game is extremely afraid to keep you entertained, like, combat is by far the best mechanic of the game, it has aged like wine, but whenever I start getting enjoyment from it, the game breaks the flow with some boring ass puzzle (some are great, and well-thought, but mostly of them are just trash and non-intuitive), or platforming session (really, WHO thought of that???). Feels like the devs were too afraid to just be fun and simple, guess people thought it would just be a Devil May Cry rip-off back then.
In conclusion, I never really felt comfortable playing this game, not because it's hard or something, but because I knew that whenever things were just too fun, something horrendous was about to come, such as the Desert of Lost Souls, or the Rings of Pandora. And also, most sub-weapons are useless, I think I've used the Blade of Arthemis twice lol

Sleeping Dogs é o infame GTA Made in China (quase que literalmente), e apesar de ele ser absurdamente baseado na franquia da Rockstar, ele tem tantas pequenas coisinhas que o tornam tão único e distinto, que eu me sinto mal de um dia o ter chamado de cópia.
Acho que os 2 principais chamarizes desse jogo são a história e o combate. Começando pelo primeiro; Deus do céu que história sensacional, sério, a cena do casamento é talvez um dos melhores segmentos que eu já vi em um video game, e o modo como você vai aos poucos evoluindo na hierarquia do crime, fazendo missões para diferentes gangsters, me lembrou GTA advance (sim). O combate, apesar de complexo e bem feito (e muito brutal), muitas vezes não me era tão responsivo quanto eu gostaria, apesar de ter diversos golpes extras das estátuas de jade, muitas vezes não os usava, e me virava com o básico, que é divertido por si só.
De conteúdos extras, os que mais curti foram as corridas, que são divertidíssimas; os casos policiais acabei não fazendo muito, os favores também não, mas os hacks de câmera até que curti.
Acho que o que deixa Sleeping Dogs com um gostinho de "quero mais", é inevitavelmente compara-lo com GTA, o que o torna algo menor do que ele de fato é, com um mapa menos carismático (apesar de mais denso, e realista), um sistema de arma de fogo que não é tão livre quanto muitos de nós gostaríamos, um sistema de rpg que não sabe ao certo o que quer ser (e que tentativa de dating sim foi aquela??), e personages secundários não tão carismáticos.

Tão simples que consegui jogar por call, mas é um jogo bem bacaninha. Apesar de depender muito da sorte, da pra criar algumas estratégias pra se sobressair sobre o bichão, e convenhamos que enfiar a escopeta na boca sem ter a certeza de que é uma bala de festim dá um cagaço descomunal, e a atmosfera de tensão é muito bem construída.
Zerei na primeira tentativa ><

Expect nothing but the least a video game can be. Castlevania The Adventure is the first entry of the franchise on the gameboy, and this is where I finish this trilogy (I had first beaten Belmont's Revenge, and didn't have the balls to endure Legends until the end).
It really is Castlevania reduced to its smallest possible form; no sub-items (but hey, hearts regenerate health now), Cristopher is slower than a slug, and movement is clunkier than I ever thought it could be. Is it terribly bad? No, but it's terribly boring, but I'd argue that's expected from an early gameboy title, at least it's very short.
But OH MY GOD that level with the moving spikes is one of the worst things I've ever had to experience on a video game.

O tanto q eu ri com os caras jogando isso não tá no gibi. Aparentemente não é nem de longe o melhor jogo da franquia, mas esse foi o meu primeiro, e tive uma ótima experiência com ele :)

This is exactly what you would expect from a Castlevania on the Sega Genesis; it's edgy, hard, weird, stylish, unique, all in the best way possible.
Following my journey through the classicvanias, Bloodlines is surely a welcome entry, I played the first half with John Morris, and the second half with Eric Lecarde, and the second one is definetely my favorite, being able to simply attack upwards is a comfort I haven't had since Super Castlevania IV.
Overall the game is super fun, levels are great to go through and always keeping you entertained with a new gimmick, never making it unfair; bosses are mostly fun (some don't even look like Castlevania monsters lol), and I can't quite remember if there any other linear games on the franchise with sub-bosses, which is weird, beacuse they're really cool

Perfeito, per-fei-to.
Superando seu antecessor Castlevnia IV, Rondo of Blood entrega o que é talvez a melhor experiência que se pode ter com um classicvania, os níveis fluem que é uma beleza, nenhum desafio é injusto, todos os bosses são interessantes e possuem mecânicas bem implementadas, cutscenes animadas extremamente carismáticas, jogar de Maria Renard é uma delícia (acho até melhor que o Richter); e além de tudo isso, o jogo possui múltiplos caminhos, os quais com certeza irei experimentar depois.
Infelizmente joguei a versão do Requiem de PS4, que é uma bosta e sem nenhuma vantagem de emulação, mas de forma alguma desmerece essa pérola.


I have a curious case with the Doom series, I started with Eternal and 2016, and had an amazing time with them, I didn't however like my experience with the OG dooms (64 and II), so I came back to Doom 3, which I also enjoyed a lot.
It's funny that I left the first Doom as the last game to play (even after playing Sigil and Final Doom), and now that I'm basically done with the main series, I can experience the game that started it all.
Altough I prefered Doom 1 over 2 and 64, I still think it carries many of their flaws, which is only natural, considering these games basically invented the FPS genre. I am definetely not a fan of the maps layout, and in any of these games I liked the "find key and backtrack" level design, which is my main complain; no doubt why I enjoyed Romero's levels the best ones.
But even so, the game is fun, you can't really go wrong with slaying demons in the most gruesome ways possible, but I don't really see myself coming back to it any time soon.

Almost interesting. Soul of Darkness is maybe one of the best games ever made for java phones, which doesn't exactly mean it's a great game, but it surely is technically impressive, from astonishing visuals, to interesting mechanics (but with mediocre combat) such as transforming into monsters, and using elemental magics.
I'd say the only aspect that is straight out bad, is sound design (or noise design, if you prefer), which I'd say it's probably a problem with the platform itself, because I'm sure that if Gameloft could, they'd definetely make something better, just like every other aspect of the game.
For some reason people compare this to Castlevania, which I don't really know why since it's just a linear beat'em up with vampires, and you don't even use a whip. Oh, and unlike Castlevania, this game has an actual insteresting plot.

This game would be so perfect if it wasn't for some small dumb details. First things first, is there no pause button? I literally couldn't find it, and why do characters remain dead even if I'm playing on casual? And WHY does the game restart the entire level once I close it, instead of keeping my checkpoint?
Aside from that, this is probably one of the best classicvanias ever made, difficulty is perfectly balanced, all characters are interesting and useful, soundtrack and pixel art are superb, and Ithe story is goofier than ever.
God bless Igarashi

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this game. As a newcomer to the Castlevania franchise, I should probably play Order of Ecclesia, or Lords of Shadow, but I decided to play Order of Shadow, their renegated child (I really hate my java mobile games obsession).
Don't get me wrong, this game is not great, but it actually does nothing wrong, and it has a surprising amount of depth to an early java game. It blew my mind that they actually made a metroidvania system, with many many weapons to equip, really interesting.
The movement is really what most people despise, but I had no problem with it, once I got used to the controls, I even played with touch screen; I really wish this game was longer.

Fancy Pants is widely recognized as the face of flash games (even tho he doesn't have one), seeing him getting a full fledged game in Steam is nothing short of breathtaking. This is probably the best game in the series, improving everything from worlds 1-3, while keeping the classic feeling of amateurism the franchise always carried (this is a compliment), and adding some great new mechanics, especially the pen surfing.
I wasn't really interested in the challenge rooms in world 3, and I'm glad they were simplified to simple platform challenges here (would be even gladder if I didn't lose lifes on them), and I had even less interest in the story of that game, so I'm happy it is basically inexistent now. Now IT IS a grotesque mistake to remove the classic enemies from 4/5 of the game, inklings are cool, but the fact I can't stomp on their heads really pisses me off, it wouldn't be such a big deal if weapon combat was better than in world 3, but it isn't, even with the ice cream upgrades.

Lembra de quando remakes tinham qualidade, e ofereciam produtos realmente novos, e experiências elevadas ao título original? Eu também não, eu nem era vivo quando Super Castlevania IV saiu, mas ele é exatamente isso, uma reimaginação da primeira aventura da saga, que excede Castlevania 1 em todos os aspectos, seja história (beirei o orgasmo na fase que recria o primeiro estágio do primeiro jogo), gameplay, level design, qualidade dos sprites, ou trilha sonora.
Sem duvidas um dos melhores classicvanias por aí, rivalizando com Rondo of Blood. O porquê da mecânica nova do chicote não ter prevalecido nos títulos posteriores é um mistério que nem Koji Igarachi saberia me responder, absolutamente perfeita.

Remember that corridor before the Death boss fight in Castlevania 1, usually regarded as the hardest segment in the game? Yeah you do, enemies all around, hard to telegraph their movement, you had to be resourceful, every step was important, literally no room for mistakes or improvisation; it was challenging in the first game, but it felt good to beat it once you learned how it worked, at least it was just one room, right?
Now imagine that corridor, but it is now an entire game, this is Castlevania III. Yeah, technically speaking it is better than its predecessors, I mean, wow, 4 playable characters, that's awesome, and soundtrack fucking slaps! But that's where it ends, at least for me, this game isn't nowhere near as fun as Casltevania 1, I swear I tried, but it's just frustrating, facing the same reused bosses, falling in the same stairs, taking damage from the same fucking bats, even with save states this shit is annoying.
It just wasn't fun.

This thing would be so cringe if it wasn't so self-aware and well-written, like, for fuck's sake why are these dialogues so good, clever and engaging? I wonder if it was written by a woman, so fucking edgy, but in the best way possible.
I just wish we could have more dialogue choices through the game, even if doesn't change the ending, just to keep it more dynamic, like my screen even blacked out because I spent too much time without touching my mouse.