What is there to talk about Half-Life 2 that hasn't been said thousands and thousands of times? If Half-Life 1 is a fun game that revolutionized the way stories can be told in games, Half-Life 2 simply revolutionized the way games work.
It's almost unbelievable that this was released in 2004, its graphics are frankly surprising to this day, physics are perfect, gameplay is adorable, storytelling is superb (and such a great atmosphere). The only thing I could complain about this, is that I didn't like the ending, but hey, 2 more expansions to go!

Welp, that's it, my final classicvania, after a long journey through this amazing franchise, it's now finally time to face the big guys. But what about this little guy?
Frankly, not impressed, for a WiiWare game it's ok, mechanically and gameplay-wise it's pretty much what you'd expect, a classicvania as classic as Castlevania for the NES, just your whip and sub-weapons.
Graphics are cool, but not remarkable, and OST is competent (I even find it funny), but not so catchy. This might be the easiest first-half of any game in the series, I was doing pretty fine until stage 4 (not sure if i just got better after playing so many games, or if it is in fact just easy). It's not bad, far from it, but like I said, not impressed, guess I was too hyped for this one lol

Not only this game is absurdly bad, but it also gets even worse when in comparison to its predecessor.
If the first game is a surprisingly polished and well-made adventure, Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 throws it all off the window, with one of the worst level designs I've ever seen; poorly made bosses which you'll most likely defeat with luck; 2 usuless characters that are just supports, and pretty much defenseless on their own; and they even managed to make an irritating soundtrack.
I dragged myself through the last 2 stages just to get this beaten, and there's absolutely no chance I'm doing any of the other episodes to the true ending. You can tell me to git gud, I don't care, to me, this game sits alongside Castlevania Judgement as one of Koji Igarashi's worst works.

Castlevania simply doesn't fail to impress me, wow, they really improved Rondo of Blood somehow.
Everything I could say about Rondo I could say about Dracula X Chronicles, since it basically remakes the entire game in a very faithful way, now with the extremely charming graphics of the PSP, the only complain I have is that it's still very boring to do the alternate routes to save the girls and fight the extra bosses, but again, it's optional, so I didn't do it :D, despite that, still an excellent game.
What else can I say? More cutscenes, new dialogues, new extra contents (I didn't touch neither SotN nor OG Rondo, but I'm glad they exist), Dracula now has a more developed boss fight, and OOOHH my god Annette Succubus

(I'm logging the Tiger version beacuse the cover is cooler, and it's the closest one to the original release, I played the Requiem version for PS4).
Wow, just wow, I'm speechless, I was reluctant to play Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, afet not enjoying so much Aria of Sorrow (usually placed in the same standart as SotN), but I'm glad this is indeed one of the best games I've ever played. I played this game non-stop for over 3 days, beating it in around 10 hours, using some walkthroughs when I got stuck for too long, I genuinelly can't remember when was the last time I got so hooked to a game, RDR2 maybe.
Once Alucard jumps that fucking bridge I literally couldn't stop playing, this might be the best metroidvania I've ver experienced, rivalizing with Hollow Knight only (which is more metroid than vania). This game is flooded with content, tons and tons of items (so many that it's actually confusing to navigate through your inventory sometimes), an abrouptly large bestiary, TWO fucking castles that are extremely fun to explore, and WHAT IS A MAN?
I'd absolutely recommend this to anyone and everyone.

It's an ok game, very short as usual, but somewhat relatable and well-written, not much else to say about it.

Estava um tanto quanto relutante de jogar o tal do Rondo of Blood Júnior, não vou mentir. Após ouvir umas várias críticas controversas sobre Castlevania: Dracula X, achei que seria um joguinho bem do mal feito e amador, porém, em minha teimosia de querer zerar todos os classicvanias, e em minha recente obsessão pelo Richter Belmont, não podia deixar esse rapazinho de fora, e olha, esse jogo não promete nada, e entrega tudo.
Primeiro de tudo, joguei essa bomba com save states, se isso é uma redflag pra você, nem termine esse review; enfim, sendo um classicvania, a jogabilidade segue sendo a mesma de sempre, ande pra frente, e bata em tudo o que se move, a esse ponto já to tão acostumado, com as escadas, movimentação travada, e dificuldade cuzona dessa franquia, que já nem reclamo mais, afinal, esse jogo não inova em nada, assim sendo, o game é bastante divertido, oferece bons visuais pro SNES (dá-lhe chip mode 7), e uma excelente trilha sonora, além de bosses muitos bacanas e que não enchem o saco além da conta (exceto, claro, o Drácula, aquilo é de fato o pior ponto dessa experiência).
Não resgatei as donzelas.

Hell yeah, now that's what I'm talking about. After a dissapoint (to say the least) experience with the first game in the series, I was somewhat reluctant to play God of War II, but I'm glad I did, this game is amazing!
Combat has evolved to its finest, I found myself using magics much more commonly, and it's now much more practical to update your weapons. Boss fights are superb, a perfect mix between a cinematic experience and a challenging duel, altough the plot isn't as well developed as in GoW 1 (probably the only downgrade for me), at least solving puzzles is now fun.
Hey why are there so little collectables now?

Probably one of the weirdest Castlevanias out there, which also makes it one of the most ineresting to play.
It's as much of a classicvania as a classicvania can be: linear, hard, and simple, just kill everything in your way, and be careful. I beat the arranged mode, since Simon femboy and the tech/electronic soundtrack (Simon's Theme and The Tower of Dolls 👌) were what drove me to play this, but I experimented a bit with the classic mode.
There's not much else to say, it is a very solid and competent remake of the first mission of our boy Simon, great both at its graphics and gameplay, I just almost had a rage quit on the medusa boss fight lol.

Panzer Dragoon: Remake, é antes de qualquer coisa, um espetáculo visual. Sendo um grande fã de rail shooters, sempre tive interesse de jogar Panzer Dragoon, um dos mais consagrados do gênero, porém, em meu desinteresse de instalar e configurar um emulador de Sega Saturn, acabei por experimentar o remake, disponível corriqueiramente por um preço bastante agradável na steam.
Olha, que jogo esquisito, ele é curto, mas não curto demais, ele é o que é, nada é explicado muito bem, nem em lore (world building), ou em plot (que é largado meio de qualquer jeito), só temos algumas cutscenes. Como no remake tudo ficou meio facilitado, com auto-aim, e opções de dificuldade (joguei no normal), é só uma questão de ir aproveitando essa jornada apreciando os belos cenários que o jogo oferece, e francamente, nada muito além disso.

It's funny 'cause altough I am a great fan of the GoW franchise, I had never really played the game that started it all, God of War (2005), 'cause frankly, at this point the plot is so well-known that I never really felt the need to play it myself; but since I decided to sell my PS3, I wanted to finally try this one, and boy oh boy.
The game starts bad, gets good after it, gets REALLY good in the middle, and becomes atrocious in the final segment (slightly before acquiring Pandora's box, and until the end). It feels as if the game is extremely afraid to keep you entertained, like, combat is by far the best mechanic of the game, it has aged like wine, but whenever I start getting enjoyment from it, the game breaks the flow with some boring ass puzzle (some are great, and well-thought, but mostly of them are just trash and non-intuitive), or platforming session (really, WHO thought of that???). Feels like the devs were too afraid to just be fun and simple, guess people thought it would just be a Devil May Cry rip-off back then.
In conclusion, I never really felt comfortable playing this game, not because it's hard or something, but because I knew that whenever things were just too fun, something horrendous was about to come, such as the Desert of Lost Souls, or the Rings of Pandora. And also, most sub-weapons are useless, I think I've used the Blade of Arthemis twice lol

Sleeping Dogs é o infame GTA Made in China (quase que literalmente), e apesar de ele ser absurdamente baseado na franquia da Rockstar, ele tem tantas pequenas coisinhas que o tornam tão único e distinto, que eu me sinto mal de um dia o ter chamado de cópia.
Acho que os 2 principais chamarizes desse jogo são a história e o combate. Começando pelo primeiro; Deus do céu que história sensacional, sério, a cena do casamento é talvez um dos melhores segmentos que eu já vi em um video game, e o modo como você vai aos poucos evoluindo na hierarquia do crime, fazendo missões para diferentes gangsters, me lembrou GTA advance (sim). O combate, apesar de complexo e bem feito (e muito brutal), muitas vezes não me era tão responsivo quanto eu gostaria, apesar de ter diversos golpes extras das estátuas de jade, muitas vezes não os usava, e me virava com o básico, que é divertido por si só.
De conteúdos extras, os que mais curti foram as corridas, que são divertidíssimas; os casos policiais acabei não fazendo muito, os favores também não, mas os hacks de câmera até que curti.
Acho que o que deixa Sleeping Dogs com um gostinho de "quero mais", é inevitavelmente compara-lo com GTA, o que o torna algo menor do que ele de fato é, com um mapa menos carismático (apesar de mais denso, e realista), um sistema de arma de fogo que não é tão livre quanto muitos de nós gostaríamos, um sistema de rpg que não sabe ao certo o que quer ser (e que tentativa de dating sim foi aquela??), e personages secundários não tão carismáticos.

Tão simples que consegui jogar por call, mas é um jogo bem bacaninha. Apesar de depender muito da sorte, da pra criar algumas estratégias pra se sobressair sobre o bichão, e convenhamos que enfiar a escopeta na boca sem ter a certeza de que é uma bala de festim dá um cagaço descomunal, e a atmosfera de tensão é muito bem construída.
Zerei na primeira tentativa ><

Expect nothing but the least a video game can be. Castlevania The Adventure is the first entry of the franchise on the gameboy, and this is where I finish this trilogy (I had first beaten Belmont's Revenge, and didn't have the balls to endure Legends until the end).
It really is Castlevania reduced to its smallest possible form; no sub-items (but hey, hearts regenerate health now), Cristopher is slower than a slug, and movement is clunkier than I ever thought it could be. Is it terribly bad? No, but it's terribly boring, but I'd argue that's expected from an early gameboy title, at least it's very short.
But OH MY GOD that level with the moving spikes is one of the worst things I've ever had to experience on a video game.

O tanto q eu ri com os caras jogando isso não tá no gibi. Aparentemente não é nem de longe o melhor jogo da franquia, mas esse foi o meu primeiro, e tive uma ótima experiência com ele :)