One of my fav games from childhood.

I like the Pikachu as a permanent partner, it came as compliment with the original Anime, the game basicaly follow the same plot.

Peak Castlevania right now in double.

Better then the first one for sure.

Peak Castlevania right here ladys and gents.

It's a ok fighting game for fan service.

In comparison with the first one, Bioshock 2 plays much better, also i didn't encounter any bugs in the ps4 remaster.

Bioshock is a great franchise, unfortunately i didn't played this back when it released, this remasted had some problems at least on ps4, randomly crashes and bugged enemies.

Peak action-adventure on ps2, the combat is amazing, the devil and equipment system make a great combination to the overall gameplay.

This game it's just wow from start to end.

This is how i got to know Naruto.

We getting there, besides it featured one of the best battles in the franchise.

I really missed the open world mode, the freedom to explore the cities and the various iconic locations.