A very middling and just okay game. The story is meh, the voice acting was god awful and all the character models didn’t move in any cutscenes so it made the whole thing tedious. I like the back to basics approach of being in Baghdad and exploring the city but it ultimately just felt like a new AC game wearing the flesh mask of an old one. After finishing I immediately traded it in and will probably never play again.


Such an amazing game. It’s perfectly comforting, with a heartwarming story and an immersive world. The soundtrack is incredible and I just love the whole design. The ending made me cry again. Who knew a game where you play as a cat could be this incredible?

Very beautiful to look at and definitely an original playing experience but it’s just so quick and honestly kinda forgettable imo

Been a few years since I last played so I’d forgotten a lot but it’s still a fun experience. I will say though now I’m not 15 I do see how not subtle the satire is and also Michael is just an annoying toxic piece of shit, Franklin is completely wasted and then Trevor is kinda so crazy it hurts at times. Obviously it’s the biggest game ever and there’s a lot to like but it’s not the best of the series, that’s still vice city.

For a long time if anyone asked me, I’d say this was my favourite game of all time. I got it for my 12th birthday (worrying I know) and instantly fell in love. I’ve played it through countless times and it has sparked a love of westerns that I didn’t realise I had. Johns story is excellent and I know this whole game like the back of my hand. It was the first adult game I played and the first one to really make me realise the power of the medium. This one’s an all timer.

A fun dlc where you get to jump back into the excellent gameplay. Wouldn’t say it’s a required play but it’s good nonetheless.

A great game with some great missteps. I feel like I need to replay to fully capture my thoughts but yeah there was some choices made and I don’t know if I fully am down with them.

Didn’t think it was as good as Jedi Fallen Order but was still a great game. The open world/settlement system was a great addition but could’ve easily been more in depth. I also loved all the customisation options for Cal - really went all in there. Tbh I’m writing this 3 months after finishing so barely remember a thing but I will replay at some point.

Really fun game with a decent story and great gameplay. It’s basically everything I want out of a Star Wars game that isn’t the complete saga.

Enjoyable little demo that perfectly captures that PS1 feel. Plus, exploring Twin Peaks's world in this kind of setting is perfect. Can't wait to play the full release at some point!

Have no idea what the hell this game is about but I’ll be damned if it ain’t fun

I get why people call this lynchian but I dunno there’s something missing for me. The gameplay loop is very repetitive and I just wanted things to be over by the end. Thank god they didn’t kill Barry though, he was the best

Probably the greatest dlc ever made. Taking the whole western setting and throwing zombies in was just a genius move. It’s a blast to play (even if it is a bit grindy at parts). It doesn’t overstay its welcome though and sells it with a tongue in cheek attitude. Just a shame rockstar will probably never make anything like this again