I played this for the first time in 2024, 14 years after release, mostly because I just wanted to have a more full experience diving into RDR2. I found myself completely captivated by this story, and the gameplay, while dated, offered enough variety to keep me distracted from what was initially supposed to be a main story speedrun. I’m SO glad I played this first. Everything in RDR2 is enriched by this experience.

Solid premise with a decent enough story and fun gameplay. Side missions leaned a bit too heavy on collections for my taste, but the story driven side quests didn’t overstay their welcome.

Tried playing it on the original 3DS, just could not get into it

Nothing revolutionary in the franchise. Picked it up on a whim hoping to scratch the old itch and the nostalgia lasted for all of a long weekend.

One of the best free games ever. One of the worst paid games ever.

Compelling villain, but having played this game for the first time in 2022, it hasn't aged super well and I ended up abandoning it for more finely tuned later releases. Clunky but fun if you're patient, which I was not.

As someone who enjoyed MGS 2, I could not get into this. Pacing was too slow and tedious for my taste. Gameplay is fine but not addictive. Not sure about the story as a whole because I abandoned it. Didn't make it past the first couple hours.

Played it through twice. It's solid. More enjoyable than Mario 64. There, I said it.

Methinks the haters doth protest too much. It’s perfectly fine. Diet Fable meets Diet The Witcher in a nostalgically whimsical setting with some half decent plots. Definitely the best HP game if you’re into that kind of stuff.

The map system was so frustrating and the lack of fast travel really made this game a grind. I got lost a lot. Pretty solid story though, and if they make quality of live improvements to traversal in the sequel, it’ll be worth playing.

Right up there with Vice City and Halo in terms of memorable gameplay AND soundtracks

I feel cheated of my elder scrolls experience. Not fun at all.

Honestly a decent story. I was expecting a lot less given how much hate this game got when around release. Probably will not play it again though.

Bought this because I really missed Halo and it was fun enough but didn't totally do it for me.