A game I want to love but simply can't, even if I have almost 300 hours in it

As a massive fan of the trials franchise, this game was my biggest disappointment in gaming

Even after almost 2 year of being out, still a buggy mess, with lag spike cursing the game.

Worst part is the gameplay being the worst it has ever been, front wheel as no suspension, engine is big and heavy, the throttle is super busted but inconsistent with the magnetic wheel and so much more basically killing the ninja aspect of the game

I was never the biggest speedrunner, but the speedrunning was kinda fun, with addition like diamond medal and bike leaderboard. But Speedrunning was kinda killed for me with them adding DLC with Acorn, which I spent the one earn in game way before they even announce track pack and bike

A few good thing I like about the game. The tutorial are the best they've ever been with FatShady doing them. The customization is fantastic and it alway hurts not having my super customized rider when going back to older game.

Do I recommend this game, hard to say, it might be a good entry point for beginner with the good tutorial, but even than most would drop it because of the endless contract grind, but has a more veteran player who've gone more in depth with some mechanic I simply can't like it

The start of a new era for Trials Game, surprisingly, this game as the most creativity of all the trials game, and as a unique charm, from the helmet mechanic to the unique level design, defo the most fun I had playing the developer made level

The skill game on the other hand were a hard miss

The game also has a simple editor and no real track central, but I won't duck point for not having as advance feature as it sucxessor that improved on it

The game no one wanted, not Far Cry Blood Dragon fan, nor Trials fan

It fails at being a good trials game, with level design that just feel not like a trials game

The OST is great and the extreme are decent I guess tho

Good level design plague by a lot of usual mobile game gimmick, from long wait to basically pay to win stuff

I will say, if you can get the Donkey, it is easily the best Donkey in the franchise

The best platformer in my opinion. Phenominal level design, movement system, OST, story

Love everything about it

My entry to the Dark Souls franchise

While I loved the gameplay, I can't dent that this game as some very bad level design, enemy design and sometime boss design

Also fuck the Frozen Outskirt, worst area ever

It is a ok game that you play with friend, anything you play with friend is better but the actual game got old quick

Was a great game

And than the ending happen

First 4 episodes are like a 8
Last episode is like a 3 bringing it down to like a 5

As much has I think most of the game is fun, the final level is one of the worst level in a video game I've ever seen

I played 9 hours of the Early Access on Xbox One and here is what I though (and this will probably be all over the place)

Well just before starting I would just like say quickly where I stand with the franchise. My introduction to it was Battlefield 1... and Battlefield 1 is still by far my favorite Battlefield. I loved it for the atmosphere and all. I did play a tiny bit of BF3 and did play a decent amount of BF4 afterward... I liked them but for me they lacks what I love about BF1, they felt like just another shooter, a really good one, but still just another shooter.

Now what they I think of Battlefield 2042

I think Battlefield 2042 is just another shooter... a unfinished one. This game lacks content everywhere... This needed a few more months... maybe even a year, in the oven. I won't get into all the thing that are missing. Plenty of people have done that already (but yeah, leaderboard, changing squad, server browsing, all missing". But this game also lacks... progression. In All out Warfare... there's only a few guns for each class. In Hazard Zone, it takes only a few games to be pretty much set. And Portal as no progression obviously everything is unlocked, tho there's a lacks of map imo. Anyway, imma try to go more in order with the game type now.

But first before game type... What is there before getting into a game. Menu. The Menu in this game are garbage. They are a confusing mess to get into and for some part of the game are just kinda stupid (like how in Portal the menu customization is still design around the + System and all that). The menu of this game are just ass.

All Out Warfare. Conquest is fun, Breakthrough felt like poor man Operation and was just ok. The map are good for the most part. The gun play is ok, I don't like the feel of AR and LMG in this mode, SMG and Sniper feels really good, Pistol is ok, and I haven't played enough with DMR and Shotgun to judge tho. The operator as a system is just bad. It kinda just fucks over the team aspect of the game. Classes were just so much better. As for the operator, I mainly used the one with the Wingsuit, fits my style, I just love moving around the map and ambushing people from behind or above, and travelling super fast. Overall All Out Warfare is decent, tho I do think it could die very fast if some of the missing feature and more guns aren't added.

Hazard Zone... I didn't play much. Personally not a fan of Battle Royale. Out of the 3 games I played, 2 of them were quite forgettable and the third one was extremely fun but ended with my game crashing. Its a fun gamemode on its own but prob won't be able to compete with other Battle Royale and also doesn't have much progression, it need some balancing. One thing I can say is that the Operator system work here, because each squad can only have 1 of each operator, which here can help teamwork, unlike in all out warfare. But yeah this mode probably won't survive long in the sea of Battle Royale on the market.

As for Portal... I haven't played many different thing because the server browsing is god awful, so I mainly stucked with the main 4 thing they promoted. The gun play in Portal feels amazing, way better than in All Out Warfare. Portal was just overall a fun experience but I do hope they add more content (map and gun and maybe style) because I think if they don't this game mode could just run out of great stuff. Heck add in a map creator or something. This gamemode as potential, but they need to add more.

Really that last line is this game in a nutshell... this game as a lot of potential but it isn't ready, it lacks content. This game will probably be very good in a year... but right now I cannot recommend this game unless you get it through a subscription like gamepass. I played for 9 hours and I already got bored of it

Overall in this current states the game is like a 5.5/10 in my opinion

Edit: A year later... played this game again... it hasn't improve and honestly 5.5 was being nice...

This will forever be tainted as a Backyard Monster Ripoff for me

Finished Anime Feet

The puzzle gameplay is fucking awful, the first gamemode feels extremely RNG and the second gamemode is extremely punishing with almost no time to react sometime (thanks god for menu pausing abuse)

The game is quite rough around the edge with a few thing clearly not working as intended (tho it did allow me to cheese the harder level which are a pain in the ass)

As for the selling point, the art/the feets... its kinda eeeeeh, a few decent picture but the art is not what I'd call good, I guess a few picture had cool pose, but still not good

Shit game, there's better feet elsewhere

Easily the best one of the 3 I've played so far (This, Anime Feet and Furry Feet), the new gamemode is the most fun of the 3. The art slightly improved (but it is still bad), Armpit cool I guess


This game as a clear lack of fries. I'd expect a game called Femboys & Fries to have a a 50% devide between the 2, but no its 99% femboys and 1% fries... and even than there's only 1 femboy. Clearly False Advertizing, so sadly its a 0.5 star

What a legendary game. Went in this with pretty high expectation, I mean it is the legendary Half Life 2 after all, and my expectation were still blown away to the stratosphere. Easily the greatest FPS I've ever played. Amazing gunplay, some of the best level design on the market, a ton of originality with each chapter bringing something new to the table. Great set piece. Super immersive story and world. Amazing Soundtrack. One of the most visually impressive game of all time that aged like the finest of wine. I could go on and on but overall, this is in my opinion one of the greatest game ever made.

10/10, top 1 FPS, top 5 game, can't wait to play the expansion.