Mirage returns to the roots of Assassin's Creed and for that alone i'm happy with this game.

To break it down a little: You have a smaller map that is designed for parkour and is interesting to explore, it's nowhere near the level Unity was but it's definitely better than most cities in Valhalla/Oddysey were.

The game also focuses a lot more on stealth but if you do wanna use combat it's a very basic 'parry and kill' system. I wouldn't say it's bad but you definitely notice most of the game is designed around stealth(which is good!).

You play as Basim, an ACTUAL assassin this time(crazy I know), and must help the assassin bureaus maintain control in Baghdad while also finding and eliminating all the order of ancient members. Basim was already introduced in Valhalla and was one of the more interesting characters in that game so I'm happy we get some more backstory here. He's an interesting character and I hope we see more of him. Also on a quicknote I love the voice actors for Roshan and Basim(sure Basim's older voice is still better but this one is also really well done)

There are contracts which are fun to do(assassinate this target, steal this item, escort this person) which offer you bonus objectives such as not getting caught while doing the contract which in turn give you more rewards if you do them.

So what's the bad? Well, for some reason the facial animations and especially the lipsyncing was really awful in this one. Normally main cutscenes or moments have fine to good animations and lipsyncing but this one didn't and it did bother me at times. The game also has some bugs and glitches there was one quest I couldn't progress because of it and had to reload a lot before it finally worked. Lastly while it brings a lot of old mechanics back from previous games it doesn't improve on them at all and parkour still feels weird to me, it just doesn't feel smooth(even clunky at times) and there is just no momentum or risk/reward type stuff during it.

In conclusion: Honestly this a big step in the right direction for the franchise even despite the low budget of this game. Please Ubisoft keep heading in this direction I BEG and mad props to Ubisoft Bordeaux for making this one.

PS: Going for 100% isn't long and easy to do so trophy hunters rejoice! Got the Platinum for this and enjoyed myself.

The peak of (sci-fi) horror. This game has an amazing atmosphere, all thanks to the amazing sound design, great graphics and a certain style that really gives it a charm(also love the lighting in this). The AI(most definitely the Alien) is incredibly smart and unpredictable forcing you to actually come up with alternative ways or strategies to get through the levels. Is it a bit too long? Maybe, but I never reached a point where I wanted to put it down. The only cons I have are: Compound B(crafting material) is way too scarce compared to everything else and that sometimes the Alien would camp certain spots making it annoying to progress. I played it on Hard(which is the recommended difficulty) and I could suggest this to everyone, especially survival-horror fans. Just lovingly amazing.

Hmmm not really worth playing imo. It's very short, re-uses the same three levels THREE times and the combat is just the same from the first game but with some different guns.

Mr. Scratch(the villain which is an evil version of Wake) is kinda the best part of the game and that's not saying much. The story is bad and confusing, like does this add anything to the Alan Wake story or lore? Idk man.

Characters are just 'eh' to bad. There are some fun action moments with music sprinkled in but those moments just are very short and the combat doesn't hold up for a whole action-filled game. So yeah i'm still super excited for Alan Wake 2 but you can just safely skip this game trust me.

This game plays so different from the first one it could've been an entire other IP but honestly I like the changes.

It's semi open-world, the gameplay is better and stealth is more viable than ever here, story is interesting and well done(so are the characters). One thing that does annoy me a little is that the horror is a little absent in this one but besides that it improved a lot on it's predecessor and i'm very curious to see where a third game would lead to.

Very short(like an hour long). Just an arcade style DLC with a focus on gameplay and a first-person view. Very fun even in NG+!

My first Legend of Zelda game and I gotta say... DAMN. This is how you do an open-world(everybody take notes)! Exploration is just phenomenal, I love the artstyle, you have so much freedom in how you tackle just about everything. And those little story moments are just so wholesome... Now sure mind you it might get a bit repetitive by the end and I had some framedrops on the switch in certain areas which were very noticeable but besides that I can't say anything bad about this game. Link is my hero and this game is a big W.

Now on to Tears of the Kingdom!

I liked the final boss even though he is not hard to beat but most of the other parts of the DLC were really weak...

This game has sooooo many issues like the controls, the annoying headache inducing filters(which you can turn off on PC thank god) and the bugs and glitches. It's not a terrible game like I hear from some people but it's not the best either, far from it. I think it's an okay game but mostly a GOOD horror experience. It's also a big LSD trip really, IT SEPARATES THE MEN FROM THE BOYS.

Capgod delivering us another amazing remake. Please remake the first game now. :-)

Dark Souls with gun(and not as good).

When you get an S rank on the last level "Bloody River" you can play as Lady Dimitrescu which is worth every penny my friend, every penny...

How did they do the doll house again and it still scared the shit out of me.

This game makes Resident Evil 7 look like an extended tech demo, that's how insane it is. It improves on almost every part from it's predecessor and goes back to some of it older titles. I like to see this game as a combination of Resident Evil 1, 4 and 7. Well designed levels, brutal and intense combat, crazy scenarios. Good variety of enemies and some insane bosses. I also love the switch to first person in the last two games. A must play for survival horror fans no doubt. Also the doll part? I will never sleep again thank you.

About an hour long, it's more of a spec ops approach so it's more action focused than the base game. It's enjoyable for sure and it's free so what's not to love. Not to mention it ties up some loose ends from the game which I appreciate.