This DLC adds two new (short) missions. One is a fucked up game of Blackjack while the other shows what happened to the Baker family, sort of prequel to the main game. Yes, it's very short I totally agree but the high quality of content from the main game is also present here. I got everything in the gold edition and when it's on sale(which is frequently) you are definitely getting a good deal on this.

Man, I remember playing this game way back in 2017 and thinking to myself "I don't see what all the hype is about, this is a girly girl game, I can't play this". I did stick with it though and discovered a heartwrenching story that had me hooked and made me tear up. Now I played the remastered version of it six years later and here's what I think:

1. The remastered version improves almost nothing, in fact I had more issues with glitches and what not than the original game.

2. Obviously if you've played these games before some scenes don't hit as hard as they used to. None of the plot twists have any effect anymore but that's not the game's fault.

So while I would have rated the orginal game higher(probs like a nine) I still really enjoyed it cuz fu*k man I still teared up. If you haven't played the first Life is Strange you missing out.

This game is just so bad. It's not the Resident Evil you've come to know and love. This ain't even a survival-horror game at this point. Sure, there is fun to be had in co-op but you could say that for almost every game. The game consists of four campaigns with different characters but they all intersect for the most part so you are just replaying those same levels with different characters each time(except for here and there). The game also has this exaggerated action almost like Michael Bay made it. Story you ask? Don't even bother bro, we skip that shit in 7 and Village.

What could have been a good little fun co-op game turned into a way too long piss-poor game.

Best campaign: Leon and Helena

Worst campaign: Ada(by a mile)

I enjoyed this DLC more than True Colors which is not a hard thing to do. Mind you, you will be stuck in a recording studio for most of the time and there's not a whole lot of interaction with other characters. There's also this like dating app minigame which is kind of fun but it never leads to anything so yeah. It has some good moments, there are some callbacks to Life Is Strange 1 which made me really wanna play those games again.

This DLC is kinda ass, they didn't change any of the issues the base game had. They said they "listened to fan feedback" and so added the new Kinetic Hammer weapon and sure it's more powerful than the Stun Baton but you only fight one enemy type with it for the most part which just comes down to the same combat as before. The bossfight is a bit better than the base game but that's not a hard thing to do. The DLC is also very short(2 hours-ish) and it's just an enemy spamfest really. Don't bother.

This game is quite the dissapointment. Let's start with the good: The game looks phenomenal, animations, facial animations, voice acting, atmosphere is all on point. The game is cinematic af, no doubt about it. But all of that is thrown into the trash with the god awful combat. The game forces you to fight with melee combat A LOT. Which is bad on it's own but it gets worse because the dodging mechanic is the stupidest and laziest shit I've seen to date. It literally ruins the game and all of the bossfights, partially because the bossfights are bad themselves. The story is meh and there's not a whole lot of exploring to do in this one... The enemies were not that interesting either or scary really.

I think all of us dead space fans were excited for this one but it just came out horribly. I don't know how this combat got through playtesting but it did.

Now, I said a lot of bad stuff about this game and it's true but its not the worst game ever created(or a terrible game). Like I said it excels in it's enviroments and atmosphere and I'm still excited to see what they will do with the DLC or potential sequels. Just take the feedback of this game and make something great.

P.S: Game not scary enough.

Good little adventure story driven game with mild horror elements where you play as a moth who can write. Lamp is good. Lamp is holy. I love lamp.

The Foundation is a DLC that doesn't really bring a whole lot of new stuff to this already amazing game which is a shame. Here's the good: I really liked the environment they created with the red sand and the white void-like walls with caves oozing out of them. You also discover some more information regarding the Oldest House and find out what happened to Marshall which is nice(tying up loose ends and all that). Now for the bad: the mission design is super basic, go find 4 orbs to cleanse then come back and fight a meh boss. Ur gun also felt pretty weak during the DLC and all of the loot is mostly just useless. You're not getting scammed with this DLC but you're also not missing out.

The story is kinda the only thing keeping this game down, I'm not saying it's bad but it's told in a way that just requires soooooo much reading. The combat and destruction are chef's kiss, the oldest house is neatly designed, pretty and full of details to find, there is so much to see and do. Also the dualsense has some really cool features for this game which I definitely appreciate.

This game is hella good, I had a blast playing it. The game has none to little handholding during the whole experience which might be a negative for some but a positive to others. Personally I much prefer the "figure it tf out" type of game instead of the "here are 20 objective markers, do them" type of game. And System Shock does it so well that I had to google one thing(you really could have provided me with more info there game. PS: it's the reactor core code thingey).

Now I never played the original so I can't really compare much there, all I can say about this game is:
-Awesome Artstyle
-Beautiful Graphics
-Good intricate designed levels
-Many many secrets
-Okayish combat(it does its job but it's no doom)
-Mild horror elements
-Very nice story

This was a unique and great experience, the only downsides I really have are: inventory space is limited, some difficulty spikes and some maze-like parts in certain levels. It is a faithful remake and a damn amazing one at that.

Again kinda generic DLC, it does nothing new or mindblowingly good. It's just extra shooting if you'd like it.

A bit better than episode 1 of the Freedom Chronicles, the dialogue again is kinda bad and repetitive(alcohol this, alcohol that). This is also a very stealth focused DLC(if the name didn't give it away).

This DLC does nothing new and is very short. Generic story and uninspired levels but if you liked the main game and want more of that, here's a little bit of extra content for ya.