This game is pretty bad on it's own but the fact that you can spend an hour trying and failing to join a friend is abysmal. What happened Machinegames, what happened...

If Starfield is just Skyrim with guns and a space setting it's gonna be GOTY mark my words.

It's a really good game with fun combat, beautiful worlds with fun exploration, interesting story and a lot of (well done) side content. There are a few downs like the performance issues and other bugs and glitches I encountered, weird AI behavior from time to time and the weird choice to limit the player to two saber stances. The game could have used a few more months in the oven but hey it still delivered. Also I wish there were more worlds to visit, kinda dissapointed on that side and the ending was cut short(which I hate)... Part 3 here we come!

Really makes you feel like Batman.

Really makes you feel like Batman.

Really makes you feel like Batman.

Really makes you feel like Spider-Man.

Bro what in the Leon Kennedy is this game man. The best part is the train part which really isn't THAT good, then this game thinks you're playing like John Wick simulator with the enemies they throw at you but guess what GOOD LUCK FINDING ENOUGH AMMO OR HEALING ITEMS OR SHOOTING WITH THIS STIFF AS LOCKED ON POS COMBAT. ok, sorry but the first game was so good, did so many things right and they just really missed the mark on this one. I cannot recommend this game...

God of War Ragnarok is a great game but it doesn't hit that same spot the first one did. I think the most disappointing part is how long the event of Ragnarok lasts in the game. You must understand that they hype this shit up for the whole game for it to be over in 10 minutes, typing this review probably takes longer than ragnarok did. Besides that though, good story, great sidequests(do them fr), exploration is really fun too, great combat like the first one but fuck you with that last boss, that one was ass. You had way better bosses earlier in the game, bring them back.

Dark souls II is like the bad game in the Dark Souls franchise which translates to a good game in general. Fromsoftware has yet to miss with a souls game that being said this is like my 6th playthrough of this game(it was also my first souls game ever back on the ps3) and I've HAD IT WITH THESE ASS AREAS. This game does have some of the worst areas tbh, the dlc however is even worse. Fuck you Miyazaki, ok jk love you(he didn't even make this one lol what a scrub).

Russian Propaganda? Yes.
Hot ballerina robots? Yes.
Do they step on you? Yes.
Sexually assaulting fridge? Yes.
Grandma with guns? Yes.
Good game? Yes.
Crispy Critters? Yes sir.
Flawed? Also yes.
Excited for a sequel, prequel or spin-off? Yes, yes I am.


This game is just wow. Like it's a game that had me invested from start to finish. This is hands down one of the best immersive sims I've ever played. I found exploring Talos I to be so interesting, rewarding and spooky at times. The story is really interesting and great, the combat is hard at first but it gets easier with upgrades. Just the experience of making your way through Talos I is so unique and I'm so glad I revisited this game years later. With a sale you can pick this game up pretty cheap and you will not regret it. 10/10 Mastahpeaceee

Great game by Team Ninja. If you liked Nioh, Nioh 2 or Sekiro you will definitely enjoy this one. It's a bit of a hybrid between Nioh and Sekiro. The game isn't as difficult as other soulslikes but it does have satisfying combat. I have heard a lot of complaints about the PC port of this game but I didn't have many issues with it. Maybe like framedrops on 2-3 levels and a weird white screen tearing issue which I fixed by switching from fullscreen to borderless. The game is best played on a controller btw. Great game overall.


So I recently saw a Youtube video that said this game was underrated and explained why, I wasn't fully convinced the game was good but I was motivated to try it. I never had a WiiU but I did start playing it once on my PS4 but quit after 1 hour and thought hey I wanna finish it this time around so I did. I'm gonna be honest, this game is no masterpiece but I did enjoy playing it, weirdly enough it's something fresh if you're sick of all the repetitive open world ♥♥♥♥ Ubisoft keeps pushing out lately. In short this is a linear zombie survival horror experience which lasts about 6-8 hours, you play as a random survivor but the twist here is if you die you get to play as a new survivor and now have to kill your former zombified self to claim all of your goods back. Sadly, and I really mean sadly I didn't die so I couldn't kill my previous survivor which looks like something fun. Ok but enough sidetracking, the game takes place in London and it's honestly a really interesting location for a zombie apocalypse, you get to play in the streets of london, tower of london, buckingham palace, underground metro tubes,... It creates a unique atmosphere talking about atmosphere this game does a good job of keeping you on your toes with it's creepy vibe. You have a lot of guns to choice from, gunplay is OK, melee combat is very basic but you will use it frequently. Story is forgetable tbh, just like the characters. I also experienced a few crashes but besides that everything was fine. Honestly im just surprised I enjoyed this as much as I did and what kinda tone the game set. I really hope Ubisoft doesn't give up on this IP and actually makes a sequel for all platforms. I think they could create something awesome this day and age but please do keep it linear or linearish. We already have too many open world games as is... Still here huh? What are you waiting for wanker! Buy this game alright chap? ;)

Iki Island improves on a lot of the content that the base game had which is exactly what you want from a DLC, that's why I think this DLC is even better than the base game. It has longer and more interesting side quests, a really interesting main story about Jin's father and his actions against the raiders of Iki Island. Jin tries to redeem the name of his clan and retake the island from the mongols. There are some new activities which are fun and not overused, the island is even prettier than Tsushima. 100% is a breeze and a joy, the combat is also more difficult which was really needed imo.

You will not be disappointed by this DLC so go ahead and play it. ;)