Didn't like this at all. None of what makes older Resident Evil games good and not successful as an action action game.

Fun shooter in the style of old PC engine caravan shooters - very accessible for new players but with a decent challenge on expert difficulty.

Magnificent DLC to an already amazing game. There is enough here to almost qualify as a new game in its own right, and everything is just as well crafted as in the base game. It also fits very neatly in with the story and worldbuilding of the original game.

So smart, so atmospheric, so beautiful. I love this game.

I played this game a lot to get all the achievements, but never really got the point where I loved anything about it. It was fun but I don't think it will stick with me as an experience.

The visual style is nice, but doesn't quite gel for me. The movement is fluid but not as precise as I would like, especially with how many instant deaths there are in the game.

From a story and presentation standpoint there was a lot to like about this game, but I think the actual gameplay experience falls short of realising that promise. The Truth/Doubt/Lie mechanic in particular just doesn't work very well at all, and you really just need to approach it in a very gamey fashion to succeed. No opportunity for role-playing or branching narratives - there is either a right answer, or a very wrong answer which makes you look like a dumbass and get a lower rating on the mission.

A pure and complete gaming experience.

Cute, funny and doesn't outstay its welcome.

I thought I would like this game a lot more than I did. The feeling of the movement and gunplay is great, but everything else is very shallow.
Most of all the story is garbage, a white guy ends up on a tropical island, discovers he has an innate passion for violence and murder, and is some sort of prophecied chosen hero to the natives who all seem to be completely stupid and helpless. It's like a lame and offensive teenage boy's fantasy. So far removed from the nuanced and subtle approach found in Far Cry 2.

Tough to get into but ultimately worth it, lots of great moments but also lots of boredom and frustration.

It has an oppressive atmosphere, and the pervasive sense that you are just helplessly being tossed around in a warzone where nobody can be trusted. All the work you take on and everyone you meet is very unsavoury. Your cars break, your guns break, your main character has malaria and has frequent episodes even during firefights, small fires can spread and consume a large area.

The total lack of permanance in the world is an important part of its atmosphere, I think, nothing you do really matters - but the speed with which guard outposts become repopulated is really annoying and ultimately has a negative impact on the experience. You can clear out a whole area and return less than a minute later to find everything exactly the same as it was before - same guards, same positions. It's incredibly tedious.

Excellent game - it does an excellent job of keeping you intrigued while gradually increasing the sense that something is horribly wrong. The quality of puzzles is good for the most part, the voice acting is good. One of my top point & click adventure games.

Very novel idea for a game, the controls work surprisingly well once you get used to it. A touching story told with little to no dialog, beautiful visual design.

This game had a very rough start on PC, but those issues aside.. it is truly an incredible achievement. The level of detail that permeates every aspect of the world is breathtaking. The visual design and graphical fidelity is stunning, even in 2019 it is one of the best looking games I have ever played.
The overall gameplay builds on what has come before, there is nothing particularly new or innovative here but these guys basically invented this formula and they have many imitators for a reason - it's engaging and satisfying. Easy to learn but difficult to master. Highly recommended. The best game in the series in my opinion.

One of the best 2D Metroid game - captured the spirit and atmosphere of the original extremely well while bringing in a lot of nice modern touches.

Kept me entertained enough - not an amazing game but the story is decent. The game looks very nice and the vocal performances were good, but the puzzles were generally quite easy.