Very fun platformer FPS Hybrid, very well designed levels and mechanics make perfecting your times extremely satisfying.
Story is good, voice acting is corny on purpose, but i think it gives the game more soul.

Very fun action RPG.
Cool setpieces with very cool bossfights in them, decorated with satisfying combat and multiple playable characters.

Good co-op experience and great improvement over the first game in (almost) every department.
Levels have been majorly improved, they still have a random element but they are full of secrets and multiple bosses that might or might not spawn on your seed, encouraging replayability.
Bosses are still kinda disappointing, they arent bad like the first game tho, they're just fine, i expected more improvement.

Wait a minute.

I dont even like poker.

started playing again its so peak

The game is great, gameplay has been improved in basically everything from the first game.
The story is awesome, just like RGG standard, the ending doesent reach the heights of LaD's but its good.
I have taken off half a star from the rating because they basically locked the story's epilogue behind DLC, the game does have closure but there's a bunch of beloved characters' closures that we do not get to see without DLC.
I know this is definitely not RGG's fault but SEGA's,
still sucks anyway.

story isnt that good, gameplay (especially combat) is really well made and basically carries the game.

thank you mr capcom for smoothing off the slugfest